by Tina on Jan. 4th, 2011
Whether you’re a nerd, a geek, a programmer, or just a regular person interested in technology, you should enjoy some serious humor, otherwise this world is very sad.
With this article you can also do something for your abs and burn off the excess Christmas treats. Start the New Year with a broad grin and lots of laughter. It’s healthy and contagious. Infect yourself with 50 hilarious geeky one-line jokes.
•There are only 10 types of people in the world: those that understand binary and those that don’t.
•Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.
•Be nice to the nerds, for all you know they might be the next Bill Gates!
•Artificial intelligence usually beats real stupidity.
•To err is human – and to blame it on a computer is even more so.
•CAPS LOCK – Preventing Login Since 1980.
•The truth is out there. Anybody got the URL?
•The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
•Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there’s Google.
Operating Systems
•The box said ‘Requires Windows Vista or better’. So I installed LINUX.
•UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.
•In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?
•Bugs come in through open Windows.
•Penguins love cold, they wont survive the sun.
•Unix is user friendly. It’s just selective about who its friends are.
•Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
•NT is the only OS that has caused me to beat a piece of hardware to death with my bare hands.
•My daily Unix command list: unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; unmount; sleep.
•Microsoft: “You’ve got questions. We’ve got dancing paperclips.”
•Erik Naggum: “Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO is the answer.”
•Windows isn’t a virus, viruses do something.
•Computers are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open Windows.
•Mac users swear by their Mac, PC users swear at their PC.
•If at first you don’t succeed; call it version 1.0.
•My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
•I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.
•The code that is the hardest to debug is the code that you know cannot possibly be wrong.
•Beware of programmers that carry screwdrivers.
•Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
•The beginning of the programmer’s wisdom is understanding the difference between getting program to run and having a runnable program.
•I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly.
•Hey! It compiles! Ship it!
•If Ruby is not and Perl is the answer, you don’t understand the question.
•The more I C, the less I see.
•COBOL programmers understand why women hate periods.
•Michael Sinz: “Programming is like sex, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life.”
•If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime.
•Programmers are tools for converting caffeine into code.
•My attitude isn’t bad. It’s in beta.
Ad Absurdum
•Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue.
•E-mail returned to sender, insufficient voltage.
•All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?
•Black holes are where God divided by zero.
•If I wanted a warm fuzzy feeling, I’d antialias my graphics!
•If brute force doesn’t solve your problems, then you aren’t using enough.
•SUPERCOMPUTER: what it sounded like before you bought it.
•Evolution is God’s way of issuing upgrades.
•Linus Torvalds: “Real men don’t use backups, they post their stuff on a public ftp server and let the rest of the world make copies.”
•Hacking is like sex. You get in, you get out, and hope that you didn’t leave something that can be traced back to you.
•There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can’t.
•Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world’s population.
•Hand over the calculator, friends don’t let friends derive drunk.
•An infinite crowd of mathematicians enters a bar. The first one orders a pint, the second one a half pint, the third one a quarter pint… “I understand”, says the bartender – and pours two pints.
•1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d.
Does your belly hurt, yet? MakeUseOf has more funny resources:
• The 5 Best Joke Of The Day Sites Ever by Saikat
• 5 Websites To Get Hilarious Practical Joke Ideas by Angela
• A Brief Overview of Internet Memes & How You Can Quickly Create Your Own by Tim
• Four Funny Ways To Prank Your Parents With The Family Computer by Justin
• 6 Scary Emails To Send To Friends As A Practical Joke by Tina
• 8 Best Daily Jokes Sites To Lighten Up Your Mood by Tina
• 5 Websites With Things To Make You Smile & Light Up Your Day by Tina
What is your favorite geek one-line joke?
Sphere: Related Content
Greasemonkey Scripts
3 Greasemonkey Scripts To Jump From Google Results To Other Search Engines
by Ann Smarty on Jan. 3rd, 2011
Google is an awesome search engine and more often than not we turn to it when we need to find information on something. However Google is not the only search engine we need and use.
Very often we need more specific and targeted resources: we turn to Flickr when we need to search for creative photos, we turn to YouTube for user-created videos, we turn to reference sources to find some quick brief information on an event or word. All of these and other niche search engines won’t ever be substituted by the mighty Google.
Even Google knows that. Do you remember that when Google was being launched, it had those “quick search” links taking you to the current search results on other search engines? This post is about bringing this old and forgotten Google feature back using Greasemonkey scripts.
1. Try This Search On (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed in the bar which you can choose to display at the bottom or the top of the page.
This script creates links to search results provided by the following search engines (by default):
• Amazon (US, Canada and United Kingdom);
• Ask (general, image search and news search);
• Google (general, image search, video search and news search);
• Bing (general, image search, video search and news search);
• Yahoo (general, image search, video search and news search);
• YouTube;
• Wikipedia
You can easily modify the list of search engines by going to the script options (click “?” in the script panel – see the screenshot above) and viewing the list of available search engine IDs:
From the options page you can also set the bar position. You can easily hide the panel by clicking the x sign.
Retrolinks (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed below the search results right under Google’s paging.
The script by a Google employee reviving an old Google search feature displays links to the following search engines by default:
• Yahoo
• Bing
• Ask
• Amazon
• eBay
• Wikipedia
• Digg (doesn’t seem to work)
• Flickr
• Imbd
If you click + sign following the list, you’ll be able to choose the order of the search engines displayed. You’ll also be able to choose from the huge variety of databases to try your search in (there are 42 different search sites to choose from):
Note: the tool is quite old and I am not sure if it was ever updated, so you may find some of the search engines not working. I for one couldn’t get Digg search to work there. However you should be able to modify the script’s source code to get the one (which is really important for you) to work properly.
SearchJump (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed in the sidebar to the right of search results.
Alternative search engines include:
• Ask;
• Bing;
• Dmoz;
• DeepDyve;
• WolframAlpha;
• Scour
I wasn’t able to find a way to edit the list of available search engines.
If you like this one, you may want to check out its minimal version – with it, only favicons of search sites are displayed.
Do you find the option to try your searches on different search engines useful? Please share your thoughts!
4 Great Greasemonkey Scripts To Easily Browse & Scan Through Google Cache
by Ann Smarty on Jan. 4th, 2011
Google cache is an awesome tool that can prove really handy for various purposes. For example, clicking through Google cache links from within search results pages will highlight your search terms and allow you to easier locate them on the target page.
Besides, Google cache can also be used as a proxy server to bypass office and school firewalls or access sites which are blocked in your area, restricted for registered-only users (but visible to search engines), etc. Using Google cache will also allow you to browse your competitors’ sites without leaving any trace of you being there (for that, you will need to use Google’s “Text only” version of the page).
• Not all webpages are available in Google cache. Savvy website owners may choose not to allow Google to archive their webpages by using the NOARCHIVE Robots meta tag;
• All of the below tools are userscripts. I’ve tested them all in FireFox with Greasemonkey installed. If you use Opera, Google Chrome, Safari or IE, you should be able to still use the scripts but I didn’t try them there.
So here you go: how to make the most of Google cache browsing with the following userscripts:
Browse Google Cache
If you start using Google cache, the fist thing you will notice is that it won’t let you stay for long: whenever you click any link, it will bring you outside of the cached page to the actual website. If you plan to use Google cache often, you may want to have an option to stay within it when browsing the whole website.
I for one use Google cache on a daily basis and have collected a few useful tools to make the most of it. But before we take a closer look at those tools, let me note the following:
(Note: as I have noted above, some pages may be absent in Google cache which means that sometimes you’ll end up landing on Google’s error messages).
1. Google Cache Continue Redux
This script adds yellow “cache” links next to each page link within Google’s snapshot of the page. Clicking the yellow cache link opens the Google cache version of the page, allowing the user to continue browsing the site through Google’s cache.
Does it keep the initial search terms highlighted? – Yes!
2. Google Cache Browser
This script (or this identical one) replaces the links on a cached page for Google cache links – this way you can continuously browse the website from within Google cache just like Google Cache Continue Redux but with no formatting used for Google cache links (and also giving you thus fewer options: with it, you can’t easily leave Google cache by clicking off the actual link).
Does it keep the initial search terms highlighted? – No
Easily Scan Through The Page Cache
1. Google Cache Highlights Browser
This script makes Google cache keyboard-friendly. It creates two hotkeys (“n” for “next” and “b” for “previous”) that will automatically scroll through highlighted search words on a Google cache page:
2. Google Cache Mapper (Text-Only Version)
This script adds a virtual scrollbar to the left of the screen that provides a quick way to find highlighted terms on a Google cached page. Google highlights your search terms using different colors and this script visualizes the matches.
You can hover over any part of the scrollbar to see the search term and its immediate context. You can then click through the different colors in the scrollbar to go to any search term occurrence:
Do you use Google cache a lot? Please share your tips and tricks! Sphere: Related Content
by Ann Smarty on Jan. 3rd, 2011
Google is an awesome search engine and more often than not we turn to it when we need to find information on something. However Google is not the only search engine we need and use.
Very often we need more specific and targeted resources: we turn to Flickr when we need to search for creative photos, we turn to YouTube for user-created videos, we turn to reference sources to find some quick brief information on an event or word. All of these and other niche search engines won’t ever be substituted by the mighty Google.
Even Google knows that. Do you remember that when Google was being launched, it had those “quick search” links taking you to the current search results on other search engines? This post is about bringing this old and forgotten Google feature back using Greasemonkey scripts.
1. Try This Search On (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed in the bar which you can choose to display at the bottom or the top of the page.
This script creates links to search results provided by the following search engines (by default):
• Amazon (US, Canada and United Kingdom);
• Ask (general, image search and news search);
• Google (general, image search, video search and news search);
• Bing (general, image search, video search and news search);
• Yahoo (general, image search, video search and news search);
• YouTube;
• Wikipedia
You can easily modify the list of search engines by going to the script options (click “?” in the script panel – see the screenshot above) and viewing the list of available search engine IDs:
From the options page you can also set the bar position. You can easily hide the panel by clicking the x sign.
Retrolinks (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed below the search results right under Google’s paging.
The script by a Google employee reviving an old Google search feature displays links to the following search engines by default:
• Yahoo
• Bing
• Ask
• Amazon
• eBay
• Wikipedia
• Digg (doesn’t seem to work)
• Flickr
• Imbd
If you click + sign following the list, you’ll be able to choose the order of the search engines displayed. You’ll also be able to choose from the huge variety of databases to try your search in (there are 42 different search sites to choose from):
Note: the tool is quite old and I am not sure if it was ever updated, so you may find some of the search engines not working. I for one couldn’t get Digg search to work there. However you should be able to modify the script’s source code to get the one (which is really important for you) to work properly.
SearchJump (Download the script here)
Where are the links displayed? Links to the available alternative search engines are displayed in the sidebar to the right of search results.
Alternative search engines include:
• Ask;
• Bing;
• Dmoz;
• DeepDyve;
• WolframAlpha;
• Scour
I wasn’t able to find a way to edit the list of available search engines.
If you like this one, you may want to check out its minimal version – with it, only favicons of search sites are displayed.
Do you find the option to try your searches on different search engines useful? Please share your thoughts!
4 Great Greasemonkey Scripts To Easily Browse & Scan Through Google Cache
by Ann Smarty on Jan. 4th, 2011
Google cache is an awesome tool that can prove really handy for various purposes. For example, clicking through Google cache links from within search results pages will highlight your search terms and allow you to easier locate them on the target page.
Besides, Google cache can also be used as a proxy server to bypass office and school firewalls or access sites which are blocked in your area, restricted for registered-only users (but visible to search engines), etc. Using Google cache will also allow you to browse your competitors’ sites without leaving any trace of you being there (for that, you will need to use Google’s “Text only” version of the page).
• Not all webpages are available in Google cache. Savvy website owners may choose not to allow Google to archive their webpages by using the NOARCHIVE Robots meta tag;
• All of the below tools are userscripts. I’ve tested them all in FireFox with Greasemonkey installed. If you use Opera, Google Chrome, Safari or IE, you should be able to still use the scripts but I didn’t try them there.
So here you go: how to make the most of Google cache browsing with the following userscripts:
Browse Google Cache
If you start using Google cache, the fist thing you will notice is that it won’t let you stay for long: whenever you click any link, it will bring you outside of the cached page to the actual website. If you plan to use Google cache often, you may want to have an option to stay within it when browsing the whole website.
I for one use Google cache on a daily basis and have collected a few useful tools to make the most of it. But before we take a closer look at those tools, let me note the following:
(Note: as I have noted above, some pages may be absent in Google cache which means that sometimes you’ll end up landing on Google’s error messages).
1. Google Cache Continue Redux
This script adds yellow “cache” links next to each page link within Google’s snapshot of the page. Clicking the yellow cache link opens the Google cache version of the page, allowing the user to continue browsing the site through Google’s cache.
Does it keep the initial search terms highlighted? – Yes!
2. Google Cache Browser
This script (or this identical one) replaces the links on a cached page for Google cache links – this way you can continuously browse the website from within Google cache just like Google Cache Continue Redux but with no formatting used for Google cache links (and also giving you thus fewer options: with it, you can’t easily leave Google cache by clicking off the actual link).
Does it keep the initial search terms highlighted? – No
Easily Scan Through The Page Cache
1. Google Cache Highlights Browser
This script makes Google cache keyboard-friendly. It creates two hotkeys (“n” for “next” and “b” for “previous”) that will automatically scroll through highlighted search words on a Google cache page:
2. Google Cache Mapper (Text-Only Version)
This script adds a virtual scrollbar to the left of the screen that provides a quick way to find highlighted terms on a Google cached page. Google highlights your search terms using different colors and this script visualizes the matches.
You can hover over any part of the scrollbar to see the search term and its immediate context. You can then click through the different colors in the scrollbar to go to any search term occurrence:
Do you use Google cache a lot? Please share your tips and tricks! Sphere: Related Content
Better Than Batch: A Windows Scripting Host Tutorial
by Ryan Dube on Dec. 16th, 2010
If you’ve been working in the computer world for a while then you’re probably pretty familiar with batch jobs. IT professionals around the world utilized them to run all sorts of automated computer processing jobs and personal tasks. In fact Paul recently covered how to write such a file.
The problem with batch jobs is that they were very limited. The command set was somewhat short and didn’t allow for very much functionality when it came to structured logic using if-then, for, next and while loops.
Later, Windows Scripting Host came along. The MS Windows Scripting Host is a multi-language script utility that Microsoft started installing as standard on all PCs from Windows 98 onward. By the second generation of the tool, it was renamed to Microsoft Script Host (MSH).
A Microsoft Scripting Host Tutorial
Here at MUO, we love computer automation. For example, Varun covered Sikuli (a tool to write automation scripts) and Guy showed you how to use AutoIt to automate tasks. The cool thing about MSH is that if you have any post-Win 98 PC, you can write a “batch” script in a variety of languages.
Available languages include JScript, VBA, and VBscript. It’s also possible to write scripts in Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby or even Basic if you have the right implementation with the right scripting engine.
Personally, I know Visual Basic well, so I usually opt for VBScript. The beauty here is that you don’t need any special programming software or compiler. Just open up Notepad and write your script, just like how you wrote your batch jobs.
Without installing anything, you can write scripts in VB. The simplest script is printing text to a pop-up window, like this:
Save the file as a .vbs and Windows will recognize and run it. This is what happens when you double click on the file above:
You can write more advanced scripts utilizing the languages you’re accustomed to. For the most flexibility, place <..job..> and <..script language=”VBScript”..> (or whatever language you choose) around each segment of code in your file, and save it as a .wsf file. This way, so long as you enclose the code in the defined script language tags, you can use multiple languages in the same file.
To show you how cool this can be, I decided to write a script that would reach out to the NIST atomic clock to check the current time. If morning, it automatically opens my Thunderbird email client. If noon, it would open my browser to This conditional script gives you the ability to make your computer much more intelligent. If you run this script when your PC starts up, you can make it automatically launch whatever you like depending what time of day it is.
The first part of the script goes out to the time server “” and gets the current time. After formatting it correctly, it sets the computer time. Credit where credit is due, this script was adapted from TomRiddle’s excellent script over at To save time, always find the example code you need online, and then tweak it to your needs.
Here’s what the script does with just the code above implemented so far.
Now that the script is working and will sync my PC every time it’s launched, it’s time to have it determine what to automatically launch depending on the time of day. In Windows Scripting Host, this task is as easy as an If-Then statement checking the hour of the day in the “Now” function, and then launching the appropriate software.
When launched between 8 to 10 in the morning, this script will start up my Thunderbird email client. When run between 11am to 1pm, it’ll launch in a browser. As you can see, just by being creating and adding a little bit of intelligence to a script file, you can do some pretty cool computer automation.
By the way, it’s a very good idea to have a reference of scripting commands handy when you write these scripts. If you’re into VBScript like me, a great resources is, which lists all VBScript commands alphabetically on one page.
Writing scripts alone isn’t going to automate anything, because you’ll still have to manually launch them. So to complete your automation using the Windows Script Host, go into the Task Scheduler in the control panel (administrator area) and select to create a task.
The scheduler lets you launch your script upon a whole assortment of events, such as time of day or on a specific schedule, when a system event takes place, or when the computer is first booted or logged into. Here, I’m creating a scheduled task to launch my script above every time the PC starts.
This is only a very brief Windows Scripting Host tutorial. Considering the number of commands and functions available in any of these scripting languages, the possibilities to automate all sorts of cool tasks on your PC are pretty much only limited by your imagination.
Some of the best sites to find pre-written scripts that you can use or customize include the following:
• Microsoft Script Center – Straight from microsoft, and includes categories like Office, desktop, databases and active directory
• Computer Performance – This UK site offers the best selection of VBScripts that I’ve seen online.
• Computer Education – You’ll find a small collection of scripts here, but they’re very useful and they all work.
• Lab Mice – An awesome collection of batch programming resources like an assortment of logon scripts.
Have you ever used the Windows Script Host? Do you have any cool tips or examples to share? Offer your insight and share your experiences in the comments section below.
(By) Ryan, an automation engineer on the East Coast (U.S.) who enjoys discussing the latest trends of online writing and freelancing. Visit his blog at to read up on the latest online writing trends and freelance money-making opportunities. Sphere: Related Content
If you’ve been working in the computer world for a while then you’re probably pretty familiar with batch jobs. IT professionals around the world utilized them to run all sorts of automated computer processing jobs and personal tasks. In fact Paul recently covered how to write such a file.
The problem with batch jobs is that they were very limited. The command set was somewhat short and didn’t allow for very much functionality when it came to structured logic using if-then, for, next and while loops.
Later, Windows Scripting Host came along. The MS Windows Scripting Host is a multi-language script utility that Microsoft started installing as standard on all PCs from Windows 98 onward. By the second generation of the tool, it was renamed to Microsoft Script Host (MSH).
A Microsoft Scripting Host Tutorial
Here at MUO, we love computer automation. For example, Varun covered Sikuli (a tool to write automation scripts) and Guy showed you how to use AutoIt to automate tasks. The cool thing about MSH is that if you have any post-Win 98 PC, you can write a “batch” script in a variety of languages.
Available languages include JScript, VBA, and VBscript. It’s also possible to write scripts in Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby or even Basic if you have the right implementation with the right scripting engine.
Personally, I know Visual Basic well, so I usually opt for VBScript. The beauty here is that you don’t need any special programming software or compiler. Just open up Notepad and write your script, just like how you wrote your batch jobs.
Without installing anything, you can write scripts in VB. The simplest script is printing text to a pop-up window, like this:
Save the file as a .vbs and Windows will recognize and run it. This is what happens when you double click on the file above:
You can write more advanced scripts utilizing the languages you’re accustomed to. For the most flexibility, place <..job..> and <..script language=”VBScript”..> (or whatever language you choose) around each segment of code in your file, and save it as a .wsf file. This way, so long as you enclose the code in the defined script language tags, you can use multiple languages in the same file.
To show you how cool this can be, I decided to write a script that would reach out to the NIST atomic clock to check the current time. If morning, it automatically opens my Thunderbird email client. If noon, it would open my browser to This conditional script gives you the ability to make your computer much more intelligent. If you run this script when your PC starts up, you can make it automatically launch whatever you like depending what time of day it is.
The first part of the script goes out to the time server “” and gets the current time. After formatting it correctly, it sets the computer time. Credit where credit is due, this script was adapted from TomRiddle’s excellent script over at To save time, always find the example code you need online, and then tweak it to your needs.
Here’s what the script does with just the code above implemented so far.
Now that the script is working and will sync my PC every time it’s launched, it’s time to have it determine what to automatically launch depending on the time of day. In Windows Scripting Host, this task is as easy as an If-Then statement checking the hour of the day in the “Now” function, and then launching the appropriate software.
When launched between 8 to 10 in the morning, this script will start up my Thunderbird email client. When run between 11am to 1pm, it’ll launch in a browser. As you can see, just by being creating and adding a little bit of intelligence to a script file, you can do some pretty cool computer automation.
By the way, it’s a very good idea to have a reference of scripting commands handy when you write these scripts. If you’re into VBScript like me, a great resources is, which lists all VBScript commands alphabetically on one page.
Writing scripts alone isn’t going to automate anything, because you’ll still have to manually launch them. So to complete your automation using the Windows Script Host, go into the Task Scheduler in the control panel (administrator area) and select to create a task.
The scheduler lets you launch your script upon a whole assortment of events, such as time of day or on a specific schedule, when a system event takes place, or when the computer is first booted or logged into. Here, I’m creating a scheduled task to launch my script above every time the PC starts.
This is only a very brief Windows Scripting Host tutorial. Considering the number of commands and functions available in any of these scripting languages, the possibilities to automate all sorts of cool tasks on your PC are pretty much only limited by your imagination.
Some of the best sites to find pre-written scripts that you can use or customize include the following:
• Microsoft Script Center – Straight from microsoft, and includes categories like Office, desktop, databases and active directory
• Computer Performance – This UK site offers the best selection of VBScripts that I’ve seen online.
• Computer Education – You’ll find a small collection of scripts here, but they’re very useful and they all work.
• Lab Mice – An awesome collection of batch programming resources like an assortment of logon scripts.
Have you ever used the Windows Script Host? Do you have any cool tips or examples to share? Offer your insight and share your experiences in the comments section below.
(By) Ryan, an automation engineer on the East Coast (U.S.) who enjoys discussing the latest trends of online writing and freelancing. Visit his blog at to read up on the latest online writing trends and freelance money-making opportunities. Sphere: Related Content
18 Fun Interesting Facts You Never Knew About The Internet
by James Bruce on Dec. 31st, 2010
Well, it’s official. Pretty much everyone now has broadband and the majority us of use the Internet more than we watch TV. Everyone and their grandmother is on Facebook, and many of us have some kind of embarrassing moment enshrined on YouTube. But how much do you really know about the Internet revolution?
Let’s take a look at how it all began, with this list of fun facts about the Internet that you probably didn’t know already.
1. The technology behind the Internet began back in the 1960′s at MIT. The first message ever to be transmitted was LOG.. why? The user had attempted to type LOGIN, but the network crashed after the enormous load of data of the letter G. It was to be a while before Facebook would be developed…
2. The Internet began as a single page at the URL, which contained information about this new-fangled “WorldWideWeb” project, and how you too could make a hypertext page full of wonderful hyperlinks. Sadly, the original page was never saved, but you can view it after 2 years of revisions here.
3. The first emoticon is commonly credited to Kevin Mackenzie in 1979, but was a rather simple -) and didn’t really look like a face. 3 years later, was proposed by Scott Fahlman and has become the norm.
4. Did you know – the Japanese also use emoticons, but theirs are the correct way up instead of on the side, and a lot cuter! ~~~ヾ(^∇^)
5. The first webcam was deployed at Cambridge University computer lab – its sole purpose to monitor a particular coffee maker and hence avoid wasted trips to an empty pot.
6. Although the MP3 standard was invented in 1991, it wouldn’t be until 1998 that the first music file-sharing service Napster, would go live, and change the way the Internet was used forever.
7. Ever since the birth of the Internet, file sharing was a problem for the authorities that managed it. In 1989, McGill University shut down their FTP indexing site after finding out that it was responsible for half of the Internet traffic from America into Canada. Fortunately, a number of similar file indexing sites had already been made.
8. Sound familiar? Even today file sharing dominates Internet traffic with torrent files accounting for over 50% of upstream bandwidth. However, a larger proportion of download bandwidth is taken up by streaming media services such as Netflix.
9. Google estimates that the Internet today contains about 5 million terabytes of data (1TB = 1,000GB), and claims it has only indexed a paltry 0.04% of it all! You could fit the whole Internet on just 200 million Blu-Ray disks.
10.Speaking of search – One THIRD of all Internet searches are specifically for pornography. It is estimated that 80% of all images on the Internet are of naked women.
11. According to legend, Amazon became the number one shopping site because in the days before the invention of the search giant Google, Yahoo would list the sites in their directory alphabetically!
12. The first ever banner ad invaded the Internet in 1994, and it was just as bad as today. The ad was part of AT&Ts “you will” campaign, and was placed on the HotWired homepage.
13. Of the 247 BILLION email messages sent every day, 81% are pure spam.
14. The very first spam email was sent in 1978, when DEC released a new computer and operating system, and an innovative DEC marketeer decided to send a mass email to 600 users and administrators of the ARPANET (the precursor of the Internet). The poor sap who had typed it all in didn’t quite understand the system, and ended up typing the addresses first into the SUBJECT:, which then overflowed into the TO: field, the CC: field, and finally the email body too! The reaction of the recipients was much the same fury as users today. It wasn’t until later though that the term “spam” would be born.
15. So where does the word spam come from? One urban legend traces it back to the Multi User Dungeons of the 1980′s – primitive multiplayer adventure games where players explored and performed actions using text only. One new user felt the MUD community and experience was particularly boring, and programmed a keyboard macro to type the words SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM repeatedly every few seconds, presumably imitating the famous Monty Python sketch about spam-loving Vikings.
16.Twenty hours of video from around the world are uploaded to YouTube every minute. The first ever YouTube video was uploaded on April 23rd 2005,by Jawed Karim (one of the founders of the site) and was 18 seconds long, entitled “Me at the zoo”. It was quite boring, as is 99% of the content on YouTube today.
17. Internet terrorism is very much a real threat. In February 2008, 5 deep-sea cables that provided Internet connectivity to the Middle East were cut. Curiously, US-occupied Iraq and Israel were unaffected.
18. The most common form of “cyber terrorism” is a DDOS, or Distributed Denial of Service attack, whereby hundreds if not thousands of systems around the world simultaneously and repeatedly connect to a website or network in order to tie up the server resources, often sending it crashing offline. Anonymous released a tool this year that users could download and set on autopilot to receive attack commands from a remote command source. Similar DDOS attacks are often performed by the use of malware installed on users computers without their knowledge.
Do you know of any other fun and interesting facts about the Internet? If so, let us know about them in the comments!
Happy New Year!
(By) James is a web developer and SEO consultant who currently lives in the quaint little English town of Surbiton with his Chinese wife. He speaks fluent Japanese and PHP, and when he isn't burning the midnight oil on MakeUseOf articles, he's burning it on iPad and iPhone board game reviews or random tech tutorials instead. Sphere: Related Content
Well, it’s official. Pretty much everyone now has broadband and the majority us of use the Internet more than we watch TV. Everyone and their grandmother is on Facebook, and many of us have some kind of embarrassing moment enshrined on YouTube. But how much do you really know about the Internet revolution?
Let’s take a look at how it all began, with this list of fun facts about the Internet that you probably didn’t know already.
1. The technology behind the Internet began back in the 1960′s at MIT. The first message ever to be transmitted was LOG.. why? The user had attempted to type LOGIN, but the network crashed after the enormous load of data of the letter G. It was to be a while before Facebook would be developed…
2. The Internet began as a single page at the URL, which contained information about this new-fangled “WorldWideWeb” project, and how you too could make a hypertext page full of wonderful hyperlinks. Sadly, the original page was never saved, but you can view it after 2 years of revisions here.
3. The first emoticon is commonly credited to Kevin Mackenzie in 1979, but was a rather simple -) and didn’t really look like a face. 3 years later, was proposed by Scott Fahlman and has become the norm.
4. Did you know – the Japanese also use emoticons, but theirs are the correct way up instead of on the side, and a lot cuter! ~~~ヾ(^∇^)
5. The first webcam was deployed at Cambridge University computer lab – its sole purpose to monitor a particular coffee maker and hence avoid wasted trips to an empty pot.
6. Although the MP3 standard was invented in 1991, it wouldn’t be until 1998 that the first music file-sharing service Napster, would go live, and change the way the Internet was used forever.
7. Ever since the birth of the Internet, file sharing was a problem for the authorities that managed it. In 1989, McGill University shut down their FTP indexing site after finding out that it was responsible for half of the Internet traffic from America into Canada. Fortunately, a number of similar file indexing sites had already been made.
8. Sound familiar? Even today file sharing dominates Internet traffic with torrent files accounting for over 50% of upstream bandwidth. However, a larger proportion of download bandwidth is taken up by streaming media services such as Netflix.
9. Google estimates that the Internet today contains about 5 million terabytes of data (1TB = 1,000GB), and claims it has only indexed a paltry 0.04% of it all! You could fit the whole Internet on just 200 million Blu-Ray disks.
10.Speaking of search – One THIRD of all Internet searches are specifically for pornography. It is estimated that 80% of all images on the Internet are of naked women.
11. According to legend, Amazon became the number one shopping site because in the days before the invention of the search giant Google, Yahoo would list the sites in their directory alphabetically!
12. The first ever banner ad invaded the Internet in 1994, and it was just as bad as today. The ad was part of AT&Ts “you will” campaign, and was placed on the HotWired homepage.
13. Of the 247 BILLION email messages sent every day, 81% are pure spam.
14. The very first spam email was sent in 1978, when DEC released a new computer and operating system, and an innovative DEC marketeer decided to send a mass email to 600 users and administrators of the ARPANET (the precursor of the Internet). The poor sap who had typed it all in didn’t quite understand the system, and ended up typing the addresses first into the SUBJECT:, which then overflowed into the TO: field, the CC: field, and finally the email body too! The reaction of the recipients was much the same fury as users today. It wasn’t until later though that the term “spam” would be born.
15. So where does the word spam come from? One urban legend traces it back to the Multi User Dungeons of the 1980′s – primitive multiplayer adventure games where players explored and performed actions using text only. One new user felt the MUD community and experience was particularly boring, and programmed a keyboard macro to type the words SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM repeatedly every few seconds, presumably imitating the famous Monty Python sketch about spam-loving Vikings.
16.Twenty hours of video from around the world are uploaded to YouTube every minute. The first ever YouTube video was uploaded on April 23rd 2005,by Jawed Karim (one of the founders of the site) and was 18 seconds long, entitled “Me at the zoo”. It was quite boring, as is 99% of the content on YouTube today.
17. Internet terrorism is very much a real threat. In February 2008, 5 deep-sea cables that provided Internet connectivity to the Middle East were cut. Curiously, US-occupied Iraq and Israel were unaffected.
18. The most common form of “cyber terrorism” is a DDOS, or Distributed Denial of Service attack, whereby hundreds if not thousands of systems around the world simultaneously and repeatedly connect to a website or network in order to tie up the server resources, often sending it crashing offline. Anonymous released a tool this year that users could download and set on autopilot to receive attack commands from a remote command source. Similar DDOS attacks are often performed by the use of malware installed on users computers without their knowledge.
Do you know of any other fun and interesting facts about the Internet? If so, let us know about them in the comments!
Happy New Year!
(By) James is a web developer and SEO consultant who currently lives in the quaint little English town of Surbiton with his Chinese wife. He speaks fluent Japanese and PHP, and when he isn't burning the midnight oil on MakeUseOf articles, he's burning it on iPad and iPhone board game reviews or random tech tutorials instead. Sphere: Related Content
5 Things You Might Not Know about jQuery
Submitted by davidflanagan Posted Jan 05 2011 09:31 PM
jQuery is a very powerful library, but some of its powerful features are obscure, and unless you've read the jQuery source code, or my new book jQuery Pocket Reference, you may not know about them. This article excerpts that book to describe five useful features of jQuery that you might not know about.
1. You don't have to use $(document).ready() anymore, though you'll still see plenty of code out there that does. If you want to run a function when the document is ready to be manipulated, just pass that function directly to $().
2. attr() is jQuery’s master attribute-setting function, and you can use it to set things other than normal HTML attributes. If you use the attr() method to set an attribute named “css”, “val”, “html”, “text”, “data”, “width”, “height”, or “offset”, jQuery invokes the method that has the same name as that attribute and passes whatever value you specified as the argument. The following two lines have the same effect, for example:
$('pre').attr("css", {backgroundColor:"gray"})
You probably already know that you can pass a tagname to $() to create an element of that type, and that you can pass (as a second argument) an object of attributes to be set on the newly created element. This second argument can be any object that you would pass to the attr() method, but in addition, if any of the properties have the same name as the event registration methods, the property value is taken as a handler function and is registered as a handler for the named event type. The following code, for example, creates a new element, sets three HTML attributes, and registers an event handler function on it:
var image = $("<..img..>", {
src: image_url,
alt: image_description,
className: "translucent_image",
click: function() {$(this).css("opacity", "50%");}
3. jQuery defines simple methods like click() and change() for registering event handlers and also defines a more general event handler registration method named bind(). An important feature of bind() is that it allows you to specify a namespace (or namespaces) for your event handlers when you register them. This allows you to define groups of handlers, which comes in handy if you later want to trigger or de-register all the handlers in a particular group. Handler namespaces are especially useful for programmers who are writing libraries or modules of reusable jQuery code. Event namespaces look like CSS class selectors. To bind an event handler in a namespace, add a period and the namespace name to the event type string:
// Bind f as a mouseover handler in namespace "myMod"
$('a').bind('mouseover.myMod', f);
If your module registered all event handlers using a namespace, you can easily use unbind() to de-register them all:
// Unbind all mouseover and mouseout handlers
// in the "myMod" namespace
$('a').unbind("mouseover.myMod mouseout.myMod");
// Unbind handlers for any event in the myMod namespace
4. jQuery defines simple animation functions like fadeIn(), and also defines a general-purpose animation method named animate(). The queue property of the options object you pass to animate() specifies whether the animation should be placed on a queue and deferred until pending and previously queued animations have completed. By default, animations are queued, but you can disable this by setting the queue property to false. Unqueued animations start immediately. Subsequent queued animations are not deferred for unqueued animations. Consider the following code:
{queue:false, duration:1000})
The fadeIn() and fadeOut() effects are queued, but the call to animate() (which animates the width property for 1000ms) is not queued. The width animation begins at the same time the fadeIn() effect begins. The fadeOut() effect begins as soon as the fadeIn() effect ends—it does not wait for the width animation to complete.
5. jQuery fires events of type “ajaxStart” and “ajaxStop” to indicate the start and stop of Ajax-related network activity. When jQuery is not performing any Ajax requests and a new request is initiated, it fires an “ajaxStart” event. If other requests begin before this first one ends, those new requests do not cause a new “ajaxStart” event. The “ajaxStop” event is triggered when the last pending Ajax request is completed and jQuery is no longer performing any network activity. This pair of events can be useful to show and hide a “Loading...” animation or network activity icon. For example:
ajaxStart: function() { $(this).show(); },
ajaxStop: function() { $(this).hide(); }
These “ajaxStart” and “ajaxStop” event handlers can be bound to any document element: jQuery triggers them globally rather than on any one particular element.
jQuery is the "write less, do more" JavaScript library. Its powerful features and ease of use have made it the most popular client-side JavaScript framework for the Web. This book is jQuery's trusty companion: the definitive "read less, learn more" guide to the library. jQuery Pocket Reference explains everything you need to know about jQuery, completely and comprehensively. Sphere: Related Content
jQuery is a very powerful library, but some of its powerful features are obscure, and unless you've read the jQuery source code, or my new book jQuery Pocket Reference, you may not know about them. This article excerpts that book to describe five useful features of jQuery that you might not know about.
1. You don't have to use $(document).ready() anymore, though you'll still see plenty of code out there that does. If you want to run a function when the document is ready to be manipulated, just pass that function directly to $().
2. attr() is jQuery’s master attribute-setting function, and you can use it to set things other than normal HTML attributes. If you use the attr() method to set an attribute named “css”, “val”, “html”, “text”, “data”, “width”, “height”, or “offset”, jQuery invokes the method that has the same name as that attribute and passes whatever value you specified as the argument. The following two lines have the same effect, for example:
$('pre').attr("css", {backgroundColor:"gray"})
You probably already know that you can pass a tagname to $() to create an element of that type, and that you can pass (as a second argument) an object of attributes to be set on the newly created element. This second argument can be any object that you would pass to the attr() method, but in addition, if any of the properties have the same name as the event registration methods, the property value is taken as a handler function and is registered as a handler for the named event type. The following code, for example, creates a new element, sets three HTML attributes, and registers an event handler function on it:
var image = $("<..img..>", {
src: image_url,
alt: image_description,
className: "translucent_image",
click: function() {$(this).css("opacity", "50%");}
3. jQuery defines simple methods like click() and change() for registering event handlers and also defines a more general event handler registration method named bind(). An important feature of bind() is that it allows you to specify a namespace (or namespaces) for your event handlers when you register them. This allows you to define groups of handlers, which comes in handy if you later want to trigger or de-register all the handlers in a particular group. Handler namespaces are especially useful for programmers who are writing libraries or modules of reusable jQuery code. Event namespaces look like CSS class selectors. To bind an event handler in a namespace, add a period and the namespace name to the event type string:
// Bind f as a mouseover handler in namespace "myMod"
$('a').bind('mouseover.myMod', f);
If your module registered all event handlers using a namespace, you can easily use unbind() to de-register them all:
// Unbind all mouseover and mouseout handlers
// in the "myMod" namespace
$('a').unbind("mouseover.myMod mouseout.myMod");
// Unbind handlers for any event in the myMod namespace
4. jQuery defines simple animation functions like fadeIn(), and also defines a general-purpose animation method named animate(). The queue property of the options object you pass to animate() specifies whether the animation should be placed on a queue and deferred until pending and previously queued animations have completed. By default, animations are queued, but you can disable this by setting the queue property to false. Unqueued animations start immediately. Subsequent queued animations are not deferred for unqueued animations. Consider the following code:
{queue:false, duration:1000})
The fadeIn() and fadeOut() effects are queued, but the call to animate() (which animates the width property for 1000ms) is not queued. The width animation begins at the same time the fadeIn() effect begins. The fadeOut() effect begins as soon as the fadeIn() effect ends—it does not wait for the width animation to complete.
5. jQuery fires events of type “ajaxStart” and “ajaxStop” to indicate the start and stop of Ajax-related network activity. When jQuery is not performing any Ajax requests and a new request is initiated, it fires an “ajaxStart” event. If other requests begin before this first one ends, those new requests do not cause a new “ajaxStart” event. The “ajaxStop” event is triggered when the last pending Ajax request is completed and jQuery is no longer performing any network activity. This pair of events can be useful to show and hide a “Loading...” animation or network activity icon. For example:
ajaxStart: function() { $(this).show(); },
ajaxStop: function() { $(this).hide(); }
These “ajaxStart” and “ajaxStop” event handlers can be bound to any document element: jQuery triggers them globally rather than on any one particular element.
jQuery is the "write less, do more" JavaScript library. Its powerful features and ease of use have made it the most popular client-side JavaScript framework for the Web. This book is jQuery's trusty companion: the definitive "read less, learn more" guide to the library. jQuery Pocket Reference explains everything you need to know about jQuery, completely and comprehensively. Sphere: Related Content
Gratuitous Hadoop: Stress Testing on the Cheap with Hadoop Streaming and EC2
January 6th, 2011 by Boris Shimanovsky
Things have a funny way of working out this way. A couple features were pushed back from a previous release and some last minute improvements were thrown in, and suddenly we found ourselves dragging out a lot more fresh code in our release than usual. All this the night before one of our heavy API users was launching something of their own. They were expecting to hit us thousands of times a second and most of their calls touched some piece of code that hadn’t been tested in the wild. Ordinarily, we would soft launch and put the system through its paces. But now we had no time for that. We really wanted to hammer the entire stack, yesterday, and so we couldn’t rely on internal compute resources.
Typically, people turn to a service for this sort of thing but for the load we wanted, they charge many hundreds of dollars. It was also short notice and after hours, so there was going to be some sort of premium to boot.
At first, I thought we should use something like JMeter from some EC2 machines. However, we didn’t have anything set up for that. What were we going to do with the stats? How would we synchronize starting and stopping? It just seemed like this path was going to take a while.
I wanted to go to bed. Soon.
We routinely run Hadoop jobs on EC2, so everything was already baked to launch a bunch of machines and run jobs. Initially, it seemed like a silly idea, but when the hammer was sitting right there, I saw nails. I Googled it to see if anyone had tried. Of course not. Why would they? And if they did, why admit it? Perhaps nobody else found themselves on the far right side of the Sleep vs Sensitivity-to-Shame scale.
So, it was settled — Hadoop it is! I asked my colleagues to assemble the list of test URLs. Along with some static stuff (no big deal) and a couple dozen basic pages, we had a broad mixture of API requests and AJAX calls we needed to simulate. For the AJAX stuff, we simply grabbed URLs from the Firebug console. Everything else was already in tests or right on the surface, so we’d have our new test set in less than an hour. I figured a few dozen lines of ruby code using Hadoop streaming could probably do what I had in mind.
I’ve read quite a few post-mortems that start off like this, but read on, it turns out alright.
Hadoop Streaming
Hadoop Streaming is a utility that ships with Hadoop that works with pretty much any language. Any executable that reads from stdin and writes to stdout can be a mapper or reducer. By default, they read line-by-line with the bytes up to the first tab character representing the key and any remainder becomes the value. It’s a great resource and bridges the power of Hadoop with the ease of quick scripts. We use it a lot when we need to scale out otherwise simple jobs.
Designing Our Job
We had just two basic requirements for our job:
• Visit URLs quickly
• Produce response time stats
Input File
The only input in this project is a list of URLs — only keys and no values. The job would have to run millions of URLs through the process to sustain the desired load for the desired time but we only had hundreds of calls that needed testing. First, we wanted to skew the URL frequency towards the most common calls. To do that, we just put those URLs in multiple times. Then we wanted to shuffle them for better distribution. Finally, we just needed lots of copies.
for i in {1..10000}; do sort -R < sample_urls_list.txt; done > full_urls_list.txt
The mapper was going to do most of the work for us. It needed to fetch URLs as quickly as possible and record the elapsed time for each request. Hadoop processes definitely have overhead and even though each EC2 instance could likely be fetching hundreds of URLs at once, it couldn’t possibly run hundreds of mappers. To get past this issue, we had two options: 1) just launch more machines and under-utilize them or 2) fetch lots of URLs concurrently with each mapper. We’re trying not to needlessly waste money, so #1 is out.
I had used the curb gem (libcurl bindings for ruby) on several other projects and it worked really well. It turns out that it was going to be especially helpful here since it has a Multi class which can run concurrent requests each with blocks that function essentially as callbacks. With a little hackery, it could be turned into a poor/lazy/sleep-deprived man’s thread pool.
The main loop:
@curler.perform do
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests-@curler.requests.size).each do |url|
Blocks for success and failure:
curl.on_success do
if errorlike_content?(curl.body_str)
log_error(curl.url,'errorlike content')
curl.on_failure do |curl_obj,args|
error_type = args.first.to_s if args.is_a?(Array)
As you can see, each completion calls a block that outputs the URL and the number of seconds it took to process the request. A little healthy paranoia about thread safety resulted in the extra steps of buffering and flushing output — this would ensure we don’t interleave output coming from multiple callbacks.
If there is an error, the mapper will just emit the URL without an elapsed time as a hint to the stats aggregator. In addition, it uses the ruby “warn” method to emit a line to stderr. This increments a built-in Hadoop counter mechanism that watches stderr for messages in the following format:
in this case the line is:
This is a handy way to report what’s happening while a job is in progress and is surfaced through the standard Hadoop job web interface.
Mapper-Only Implementation
The project could actually be done here if all we wanted was raw data to analyze via some stats software or a database. One could simply cat together the part files from HDFS and start crunching.
In this case, the whole job would look like this:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-D \
-D mapred.reduce.tasks=0 \
-D"Stress Test - Mapper Only" \
-D mapred.speculative.execution=false \
-input "/mnt/hadoop/urls.txt" \
-output "/mnt/hadoop/stress_output" \
-mapper "$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/get_urls.rb 100"
and then when it finishes:
hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* > my_combined_data.txt
In our case, I wanted to use the reducer to compute the stats as part of the job. In Hadoop streaming, a reducer can expect to receive lines through stdin, sorted by key and that the same key will not find its way to multiple reducers. This eliminates the requirement that the reducer code track state for more than one key at a time — it can simply do whatever it does to values associated with a key (e.g. aggregate) and move on when a new key arrives. This is a good time to mention the aggregate package which could be used as the reducer to accumulate stats. In our case, I wanted to control my mapper output as well as retain the flexibility to not run a reducer altogether and just get raw data.
The streaming job command looks like this:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-D \
-D mapred.reduce.tasks=8 \
-D"Stress Test - Full" \
-D mapred.speculative.execution=false \
-input "/mnt/hadoop/urls.txt" \
-output "/mnt/hadoop/stress_output" \
-mapper "$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/get_urls.rb 100" \
-reducer “$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/stats_aggregator.rb --reducer”
For each key (URL) and value (elapsed time), the following variables get updated:
• sum – total time elapsed for all requests
• min – fastest response
• max – slowest response
• count – number of requests processed
key,val = l.chomp.split("\t",2)
if last_key.nil? || last_key!=key
write_stats(curr_rec) unless last_key.nil?
curr_rec = STATS_TEMPLATE.dup.update(:key=>key)
if val && val!=''
curr_rec[:min]=val if curr_rec[:min].nil? || val curr_rec[:max]=val if curr_rec[:max].nil? || val>curr_rec[:max]
Finally, as we flush, we compute the overall average for the key.
def write_stats(stats_hash)
stats_hash[:average]=stats_hash[:sum]/stats_hash[:count] if stats_hash[:count]>0
puts stats_hash.values_at(*STATS_TEMPLATE.keys).join("\t")
Final Stats (optional)
When the job completes, it produces as many part files as there are total reducers. Before this data can be loaded into, say, a spreadsheet, it needs to be merged and converted into a friendly format. A few more lines of code get us a csv file that can easily be dropped into your favorite spreadsheet/charting software:
hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* | $MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/stats_aggregator.rb --csv > final_stats.csv
Our CSV converter looks like this:
class CSVConverter
def print_stats
puts STATS_TEMPLATE.keys.to_csv
STDIN.each_line do |l|
puts l.chomp.split("\t").to_csv
Source Code
The mapper, get_urls.rb:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
require 'rubygems'
require 'curb'
class MultiCurler
def initialize(opts={})
@concurrent_requests = opts[:concurrent_requests] || DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
@curler =
def start
while !STDIN.eof?
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests).each do |url|
def run
@curler.perform do
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests-@curler.requests.size).each do |url|
def flush_buffer!
while output = @response_buffer.pop
puts output.join("\t")
def add_url(u)
#skip really obvious input errors
return log_error(u,'missing url') if u.nil?
return log_error(u,'invalid url') unless u=~/^http:\/\//i
c = do|curl|
start_time =
curl.follow_location = true
curl.on_success do
if errorlike_content?(curl.body_str)
log_error(curl.url,'errorlike content')
curl.on_failure do |curl_obj,args|
error_type = args.first.to_s if args.is_a?(Array)
def errorlike_content?(page_body)
page_body.nil? || page_body=='' || page_body=~/(unexpected error|something went wrong|Api::Error)/i
def log_error(url,error_type)
warn "reporter:counter:error,#{error_type||'unknown'},1"
concurrent_requests = ARGV.first ? ARGV.first.to_i : nil>concurrent_requests)
The reducer and postprocessing script, stats_aggregator.rb:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
require 'rubygems'
require 'csv'
module Stats
class Reducer
def run
STDIN.each_line do |l|
key,val = l.chomp.split("\t",2)
if last_key.nil? || last_key!=key
write_stats(curr_rec) unless last_key.nil?
curr_rec = STATS_TEMPLATE.dup.update(:key=>key)
if val && val!=''
curr_rec[:min]=val if curr_rec[:min].nil? || val curr_rec[:max]=val if curr_rec[:max].nil? || val>curr_rec[:max]
write_stats(curr_rec) if curr_rec
def write_stats(stats_hash)
stats_hash[:average]=stats_hash[:sum]/stats_hash[:count] if stats_hash[:count]>0
puts stats_hash.values_at(*STATS_TEMPLATE.keys).join("\t")
class CSVConverter
def print_stats
puts STATS_TEMPLATE.keys.to_csv
STDIN.each_line do |l|
puts l.chomp.split("\t").to_csv
mode = ARGV.shift
case mode
when '--reducer' #hadoop mode
when '--csv' #csv converter; run with: hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* | stats_aggregator.rb --csv
abort 'Invalid mode specified for stats aggregator. Valid options are --reducer, --csv'
Reckoning (Shame Computation)
In a moment of desperation, we used Hadoop to solve a problem for which it is very tenuously appropriate, but it actually turned out great. I wrote very little code and it worked with almost no iteration and just a couple of up-front hours invested for an easily repeatable process. Our last minute stress test exposed a few issues that we were able to quickly correct and resulted in a smooth launch. All this, and it only cost us about $10 of EC2 time.
Hadoop Streaming is a powerful tool that every Hadoop shop, even the pure Java shops, should consider part of their toolbox. Lots of big data jobs are actually simple except for scale, so your local python, ruby, bash, perl, or whatever coder along with some EC2 dollars can give you access to some pretty powerful stuff. Sphere: Related Content
Things have a funny way of working out this way. A couple features were pushed back from a previous release and some last minute improvements were thrown in, and suddenly we found ourselves dragging out a lot more fresh code in our release than usual. All this the night before one of our heavy API users was launching something of their own. They were expecting to hit us thousands of times a second and most of their calls touched some piece of code that hadn’t been tested in the wild. Ordinarily, we would soft launch and put the system through its paces. But now we had no time for that. We really wanted to hammer the entire stack, yesterday, and so we couldn’t rely on internal compute resources.
Typically, people turn to a service for this sort of thing but for the load we wanted, they charge many hundreds of dollars. It was also short notice and after hours, so there was going to be some sort of premium to boot.
At first, I thought we should use something like JMeter from some EC2 machines. However, we didn’t have anything set up for that. What were we going to do with the stats? How would we synchronize starting and stopping? It just seemed like this path was going to take a while.
I wanted to go to bed. Soon.
We routinely run Hadoop jobs on EC2, so everything was already baked to launch a bunch of machines and run jobs. Initially, it seemed like a silly idea, but when the hammer was sitting right there, I saw nails. I Googled it to see if anyone had tried. Of course not. Why would they? And if they did, why admit it? Perhaps nobody else found themselves on the far right side of the Sleep vs Sensitivity-to-Shame scale.
So, it was settled — Hadoop it is! I asked my colleagues to assemble the list of test URLs. Along with some static stuff (no big deal) and a couple dozen basic pages, we had a broad mixture of API requests and AJAX calls we needed to simulate. For the AJAX stuff, we simply grabbed URLs from the Firebug console. Everything else was already in tests or right on the surface, so we’d have our new test set in less than an hour. I figured a few dozen lines of ruby code using Hadoop streaming could probably do what I had in mind.
I’ve read quite a few post-mortems that start off like this, but read on, it turns out alright.
Hadoop Streaming
Hadoop Streaming is a utility that ships with Hadoop that works with pretty much any language. Any executable that reads from stdin and writes to stdout can be a mapper or reducer. By default, they read line-by-line with the bytes up to the first tab character representing the key and any remainder becomes the value. It’s a great resource and bridges the power of Hadoop with the ease of quick scripts. We use it a lot when we need to scale out otherwise simple jobs.
Designing Our Job
We had just two basic requirements for our job:
• Visit URLs quickly
• Produce response time stats
Input File
The only input in this project is a list of URLs — only keys and no values. The job would have to run millions of URLs through the process to sustain the desired load for the desired time but we only had hundreds of calls that needed testing. First, we wanted to skew the URL frequency towards the most common calls. To do that, we just put those URLs in multiple times. Then we wanted to shuffle them for better distribution. Finally, we just needed lots of copies.
for i in {1..10000}; do sort -R < sample_urls_list.txt; done > full_urls_list.txt
The mapper was going to do most of the work for us. It needed to fetch URLs as quickly as possible and record the elapsed time for each request. Hadoop processes definitely have overhead and even though each EC2 instance could likely be fetching hundreds of URLs at once, it couldn’t possibly run hundreds of mappers. To get past this issue, we had two options: 1) just launch more machines and under-utilize them or 2) fetch lots of URLs concurrently with each mapper. We’re trying not to needlessly waste money, so #1 is out.
I had used the curb gem (libcurl bindings for ruby) on several other projects and it worked really well. It turns out that it was going to be especially helpful here since it has a Multi class which can run concurrent requests each with blocks that function essentially as callbacks. With a little hackery, it could be turned into a poor/lazy/sleep-deprived man’s thread pool.
The main loop:
@curler.perform do
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests-@curler.requests.size).each do |url|
Blocks for success and failure:
curl.on_success do
if errorlike_content?(curl.body_str)
log_error(curl.url,'errorlike content')
curl.on_failure do |curl_obj,args|
error_type = args.first.to_s if args.is_a?(Array)
As you can see, each completion calls a block that outputs the URL and the number of seconds it took to process the request. A little healthy paranoia about thread safety resulted in the extra steps of buffering and flushing output — this would ensure we don’t interleave output coming from multiple callbacks.
If there is an error, the mapper will just emit the URL without an elapsed time as a hint to the stats aggregator. In addition, it uses the ruby “warn” method to emit a line to stderr. This increments a built-in Hadoop counter mechanism that watches stderr for messages in the following format:
in this case the line is:
This is a handy way to report what’s happening while a job is in progress and is surfaced through the standard Hadoop job web interface.
Mapper-Only Implementation
The project could actually be done here if all we wanted was raw data to analyze via some stats software or a database. One could simply cat together the part files from HDFS and start crunching.
In this case, the whole job would look like this:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-D \
-D mapred.reduce.tasks=0 \
-D"Stress Test - Mapper Only" \
-D mapred.speculative.execution=false \
-input "/mnt/hadoop/urls.txt" \
-output "/mnt/hadoop/stress_output" \
-mapper "$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/get_urls.rb 100"
and then when it finishes:
hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* > my_combined_data.txt
In our case, I wanted to use the reducer to compute the stats as part of the job. In Hadoop streaming, a reducer can expect to receive lines through stdin, sorted by key and that the same key will not find its way to multiple reducers. This eliminates the requirement that the reducer code track state for more than one key at a time — it can simply do whatever it does to values associated with a key (e.g. aggregate) and move on when a new key arrives. This is a good time to mention the aggregate package which could be used as the reducer to accumulate stats. In our case, I wanted to control my mapper output as well as retain the flexibility to not run a reducer altogether and just get raw data.
The streaming job command looks like this:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-D \
-D mapred.reduce.tasks=8 \
-D"Stress Test - Full" \
-D mapred.speculative.execution=false \
-input "/mnt/hadoop/urls.txt" \
-output "/mnt/hadoop/stress_output" \
-mapper "$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/get_urls.rb 100" \
-reducer “$MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/stats_aggregator.rb --reducer”
For each key (URL) and value (elapsed time), the following variables get updated:
• sum – total time elapsed for all requests
• min – fastest response
• max – slowest response
• count – number of requests processed
key,val = l.chomp.split("\t",2)
if last_key.nil? || last_key!=key
write_stats(curr_rec) unless last_key.nil?
curr_rec = STATS_TEMPLATE.dup.update(:key=>key)
if val && val!=''
curr_rec[:min]=val if curr_rec[:min].nil? || val
Finally, as we flush, we compute the overall average for the key.
def write_stats(stats_hash)
stats_hash[:average]=stats_hash[:sum]/stats_hash[:count] if stats_hash[:count]>0
puts stats_hash.values_at(*STATS_TEMPLATE.keys).join("\t")
Final Stats (optional)
When the job completes, it produces as many part files as there are total reducers. Before this data can be loaded into, say, a spreadsheet, it needs to be merged and converted into a friendly format. A few more lines of code get us a csv file that can easily be dropped into your favorite spreadsheet/charting software:
hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* | $MY_APP_PATH/samples/stress/stats_aggregator.rb --csv > final_stats.csv
Our CSV converter looks like this:
class CSVConverter
def print_stats
puts STATS_TEMPLATE.keys.to_csv
STDIN.each_line do |l|
puts l.chomp.split("\t").to_csv
Source Code
The mapper, get_urls.rb:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
require 'rubygems'
require 'curb'
class MultiCurler
def initialize(opts={})
@concurrent_requests = opts[:concurrent_requests] || DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
@curler =
def start
while !STDIN.eof?
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests).each do |url|
def run
@curler.perform do
STDIN.take(@concurrent_requests-@curler.requests.size).each do |url|
def flush_buffer!
while output = @response_buffer.pop
puts output.join("\t")
def add_url(u)
#skip really obvious input errors
return log_error(u,'missing url') if u.nil?
return log_error(u,'invalid url') unless u=~/^http:\/\//i
c = do|curl|
start_time =
curl.follow_location = true
curl.on_success do
if errorlike_content?(curl.body_str)
log_error(curl.url,'errorlike content')
curl.on_failure do |curl_obj,args|
error_type = args.first.to_s if args.is_a?(Array)
def errorlike_content?(page_body)
page_body.nil? || page_body=='' || page_body=~/(unexpected error|something went wrong|Api::Error)/i
def log_error(url,error_type)
warn "reporter:counter:error,#{error_type||'unknown'},1"
concurrent_requests = ARGV.first ? ARGV.first.to_i : nil>concurrent_requests)
The reducer and postprocessing script, stats_aggregator.rb:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
require 'rubygems'
require 'csv'
module Stats
class Reducer
def run
STDIN.each_line do |l|
key,val = l.chomp.split("\t",2)
if last_key.nil? || last_key!=key
write_stats(curr_rec) unless last_key.nil?
curr_rec = STATS_TEMPLATE.dup.update(:key=>key)
if val && val!=''
curr_rec[:min]=val if curr_rec[:min].nil? || val
write_stats(curr_rec) if curr_rec
def write_stats(stats_hash)
stats_hash[:average]=stats_hash[:sum]/stats_hash[:count] if stats_hash[:count]>0
puts stats_hash.values_at(*STATS_TEMPLATE.keys).join("\t")
class CSVConverter
def print_stats
puts STATS_TEMPLATE.keys.to_csv
STDIN.each_line do |l|
puts l.chomp.split("\t").to_csv
mode = ARGV.shift
case mode
when '--reducer' #hadoop mode
when '--csv' #csv converter; run with: hadoop dfs -cat /mnt/hadoop/stress_output/part* | stats_aggregator.rb --csv
abort 'Invalid mode specified for stats aggregator. Valid options are --reducer, --csv'
Reckoning (Shame Computation)
In a moment of desperation, we used Hadoop to solve a problem for which it is very tenuously appropriate, but it actually turned out great. I wrote very little code and it worked with almost no iteration and just a couple of up-front hours invested for an easily repeatable process. Our last minute stress test exposed a few issues that we were able to quickly correct and resulted in a smooth launch. All this, and it only cost us about $10 of EC2 time.
Hadoop Streaming is a powerful tool that every Hadoop shop, even the pure Java shops, should consider part of their toolbox. Lots of big data jobs are actually simple except for scale, so your local python, ruby, bash, perl, or whatever coder along with some EC2 dollars can give you access to some pretty powerful stuff. Sphere: Related Content
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Fact and folklore in software engineering
by Laurent Bossavit, Institut Agile
Originally published on 11/1/2010, translated to English on 1/5/2011.It’s on Twitter. Drop him a line.
The trouble with opinions is that everyone has their own; you can always find one to suit any given prejudice. “Test-driven development reduces defect count”, says one expert; “test-driven development will wreck your architecture”, says the next.
Knowledge cannot be disseminated merely by everyone having a blog of their own. Blogs are great for voicing opinions - are they ever - and for having debates, but it’s unhealthy for debate to go on forever. We look to scientists for settling them.
One debate (if it can be called that) which has gone on for too long without a satisfactory resolution concerns programmer productivity and the often quoted “observation” or “fact” that the best programmers are 10 times better than the worst. I will come back to the origins of this observation, but it isn’t quite the topic of this article.
This article is about why some “facts” refuse to die, and about how to avoid being fooled by opinion disguised as scientific “fact”. We start, therefore, with some observations on science and facts.
The messy workings of scientific discourse
Bruno Latour is one of the keenest observers I know of the work that scientists really do, and one of the most punctilious in clearing away the myths and misconceptions about how science is in fact done. I have found good use in some of the tools he created to assess the status of an ongoing debate about a matter that falls within the purview of science, one that hasn’t been settled - what he calls a controversy.
(I stumbled across Latour when someone recommended Aramis, a book which thoroughly changed the way I saw and thought about software projects, even though its subject is public transportation. I have been recommending it ever since to colleagues and friends involved in software in any capacity; it ranks near the top of my list of must-read books for the profession. It’s remarkable not just for Latour’s determined and meticulous manner of observation and of getting to the bottom of things, it also reads like a detective story.)
Latour draws attention in particular to the role of modality in scientific discourse. The concept has complicated ramifications but is really simple at its core, as we’ll see by walking through an example. Start with a statement of fact, such as “water boils at 100 degrees celsius”. A modality is a way to alter the meaning of this statement, not by modifying but by extending it: “if I remember right, water boils at 100 degrees celsius” expresses uncertainty, whereas “everyone knows that water boils at 100 degrees celsius” implies authority. “Scientists know that water boils at 100 degrees celsius” lends a somewhat different authority to the same statement, implying that knowledge of it may be restricted to a select few.
In the practice of science, a publication takes on the role of an extended modality. A researcher may wish to state a conclusion: “water boils at 100 degrees celsius”. Convention dictates that he should initially add various hedges to his conclusion: “subject to the threats to validity mentioned above, given our results it seems legitimate to claim that the boiling point of H2O under the experimental conditions lies, for a 95% confidence interval, within 0.01 of a 100 degrees celsius”. The rest of the publication (or “paper”) amplifies these precautions.
A lone experiment or study rarely being sufficient to establish a scientific fact, further “papers” are expected to build on an initial work, whether by the original author or by other researchers. One prerequisite is that the initial work be interesting; that often serves as a first filter, and probably a fair fraction of all scientific work is never cited by other researchers. Thus, citations play a crucial role in the acquisition by some statement of the status of a “scientific fact”.
Now you can think of a citation as being itself a modality, one that can express a degree of confidence: “Preliminary work by Jones (2001) suggests that the boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. We present a replication with slightly different equipment leading to conclusions which confirm the earlier result”. The accumulation of citations of a given paper is often a measure of its importance, and if the statement is eventually confirmed the pattern of citations will also serve to establish priority.
What Latour has highlighted is the pattern of progressive erosion, and eventual disappearance, of modalities as a statement becomes established as a fact in the sciences. For instance, the next step might read as follows: “Numerous studies (Jones 2001, Smith 2002, Jones 2003, Bogdanoff 2010) have shown that the boiling point of water is around 100 degrees celsius, with minor variation; we show how this value depends on atmospheric pressure”. Further still, one might read “it has been established that pure water boils at 100 degrees celsius; we investigate the effect of adjunction of various concentrations of salt in water”.
At the endpoint of this process of acceptance of a fact, it becomes stripped of all modalities (“waters boils at 100 degrees celsius”), but even more importantly it becomes operant in producing further knowledge, or technical effects instrumental in the production of knowledge: “to ensure a temperature of 100 degrees in our experiment we bring water to a boil”. (For a more realistic example of this transformation happening to actual scientific facts, see Latour and Woolgar’s Laboratory Life.)
Obviously, what makes this scheme of citations a process properly called scientific is its empirical and conversational character; the erosion of modalities is not inexorable, a widely cited preliminary study may well be overturned by later work.
Another possibility is that the initial statement, the claimed “fact”, never quite rids itself of all modalities. It remains spoiled by hedges and suspicions, and if no one can muster enough interest to follow it up in further publications, if may simply be forgotten. In the best case, that is - for in the worst case it may also persist in the collective discourse as folklore, myth or misconception.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
The study rapidly came under fairly intense critical scrutiny, and we might expect that further studies attempted to confirm or reject the initial observations; leading, after over forty years of scientific activity, to a pattern conforming to Latour’s observations as this became established as fact: erosion of the modalities, with attendant reduction into a bare “scientific fact”.
That turns out not to be the case. Surprising as it may seem, 40 years after the initial results, the statement still comes accompanied with its modalities. Nearly every time I’ve had occasion to come across this statement, it was under the form ”numerous studies have shown that programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20)” or some variation.
Not only has this statement not been stripped of modalities; more damningly this “fact” has yet to yield instrumentally useful advice or applicable theoretical knowledge about programmer productivity. There is no established manner of exploiting this remarkable “discovery”, for instance through hiring criteria which would afford screening out “1x” programmers and giving preference to “2x to 10x” programmers. What we find in abundance is essays citing this “observation” in support of whatever opinion the author favors: “numerous studies show this, therefore you should heed my advice”.
How to cheat with citations
One of the better-researched pieces on this topic is Steve McConnell’s “The Origin of 10x”. This essay was published in 2008 to explain the title of McConnell’s blog “10x programming”. McConnell acknowledges that the 1968 study came under harsh criticism but claims that its results have been confirmed:
"..the general finding…has been confirmed by many other studies of professional programmers (Curtis 1981, Milss 1983, DeMarco and Lister 1985, Curtis&al.1986, Card 1987, Boehm and Papaccio 1988, Valett and McGarry 1989, Boehm&al.2000).."
What could be more scientific-sounding than this litany of citations? However, when we take a closer look we find that this “confirmation” is not as strong as it looks.
• the 1981 Curtis study included 60 programmers, which once again were dealing with a debugging rather than a programming task
• the 1986 Curtis article does not report on an empirical study, but is an essay calling for better integration of cognitive sciences within software engineering (with which I agree wholeheartedly, but which offers no support for the “10x” claim)
• the 1983 Mills citation refers to a book collecting various essays on the topic of programmer productivity, mostly experience reports and opinion pieces; none of which appears to report on a replication of the original study
• the 1985 DeMarco and Lister reference is similarly a book collecting essays; it is in fact the famous “Peopleware”, a landmark pamphlet denouncing a certain style of management by pressure which is unfortunately still in vogue today; the only “studies” reported on therein are the programming contests organized by the authors, which took place under loosely controlled conditions (participants were to tackle the exercises at their workplace and concurrently with their work as professional programmers), making the results hardly dependable
• the 1987 Card reference isn’t an academic publication but an executive report by a private research institution, wherein a few tables of figures appear, none of which seem to directly bear on the “10x” claim
• the 1988 Boehm and Pappacio reference is a review of other publications on the topic of programmer productivity, and it cites only one which directly reiterates the “10x” claim; and that is… wait for it… the 1968 Sackman study!
• I have not been able to personally obtain and check out the 2000 Boehm reference, but it appears to be a book about COCOMO rather than an article reporting on an empirical study
• Only one in this long list of references seems to be related, albeit indirectly, to a study attempting to replicate the original finding; that is the 1989 Valett article, which reports on a 1982 study measuring productivity in terms of lines of code (something now frowned upon for good reason), and shows 1-to-8 ratios on “small” projects and 1-to-20 ratios on “large” projects, with the threshold at 20KLOC. What we have here is a citation of a citation, and thus almost no information about the 1982 study’s methodology can be found in the 1989 article.
What is happening here is not pretty. I’m not accusing McConnell here of being a bad person. I am claiming that for whatever reasons he is here dressing up, in the trappings of scientific discourse, what is in fact an unsupported assertion meshing well with his favored opinion. McConnell is abusing the mechanism of scientific citation to lend authority to a claim which derives it only from a couple studies which can be at best described as “exploratory” (and at worst, maybe, as “discredited”).
I have not done the equivalent critical work for the citations McConnell offers in support of the equivalent claims on between-team productivity variations. But “work” is the right term here: tracking down articles and sometimes entire books, some of them out of print, just to scan them for conclusions which turn out not to appear anywhere. It is a sad fact that critical examination of ill-supported assertions takes a lot more time than making the assertions in the first place; this asymmetry accounts for a lot of what is wrong with public perceptions of science in general, and possibly for the current state of our profession. At any rate the list above, I believe, is sufficient to make my point.
Why is folklore so persistent?
The verdict seems clear: this supposed “scientific” observation on individual programmer productivity variations only deserves the name of folklore, unsubstantiated bits of opinion which are transmitted and kept alive for reasons more cultural than rational. I am most emphatically not claiming that there aren’t variations in productivity of that order: I am only saying that this “fact” has not been demonstrated, and that as of today we do not know what to make of it even if it were true.
One reason for this unreasonable persistence is that we do not have a firm conceptual handle on the notion of “productivity”, at least as it relates to what programmers do nowadays. Way back when, that used to be measured in terms of “lines of code per unit of time”. The advent of “high level languages” caused researchers to question this measure of productivity, since you could now achieve the same functionality in fewer lines. There was an attempt to substitute Function Points instead, but they turned out to be complicated to use and they remained largely ignored by the profession. However, the more relevant question to ask is what assumptions underlie the very notion of “productivity” in our field.
For instance, should we assume (as seems reasonable in industrial contexts) that productivity could only be zero or greater? This is to ignore the (folkloric, but remarkable and provocative) notion of “net negative productivity programmers”:, team members who not only do not contribute to a team’s productivity but in fact destroy others’.
Do we clearly distinguish between effort and outcomes in our notions of productivity? A programmer may seem improductive because she doesn’t appear to push out a lot of code, but that may be because she’s busy thinking about a novel idea which results in the team not having to code some complex features, yielding great overall value.
An important concern in the social and cognitive sciences is construct validity. This aims to answer the question: does what we’re measuring actually exist, and is it in fact reflected in the measurements we have chosen to make it quantifiable? (Take a look for instance at the Wikipedia article on Psychometrics.) Such questions seem seldom asked in our field.
Leaving folklore behind
The 10x “observation” is referenced several times in McConnell’s excellent 1996 book “Rapid Development”, where the list of citations which accompanies it is nearly the same as in the above quote, with the addition of the “Boehm et al 2000” reference which is obviously posterior, and the “Boehm and Papaccio 1988” reference which does not show up in the book’s bibliography. Also, the 2008 blog post has been reprinted with few changes as one chapter in the otherwise excellent 2010 book “Making Software”, a compliation of essays on empirical findings in software engineering.
I find it regrettable that the book’s editors chose to include this particular essay. “Making Software” is one of the encouraging hints I have seen recently of what I hope is a growth trend for the years ahead: better and closer collaboration between the software engineering research community and a much broader base of software professionals than has been the case so far. The book ranges over varied topics from Agile to debugging to learning programming, but it is especially interesting for the first few chapters which make a strong case, aimed at software professionals, for learning the basics of scientific inquiry.
Institut Agile
Institut Agile is a France-based independent organization funded by a consortium of businesses with a strategic interest in Agile approaches.
The goal of the Institute to raise the bar for business excellence in the software industry through Agile approaches.
Its missions include growing the Agile business ecosystem, creating stronger links between the business and research communities interested in Agile approaches, and providing stronger empirical evidence on the benefits of Agile practices (or lack thereof). Sphere: Related Content
Originally published on 11/1/2010, translated to English on 1/5/2011.It’s on Twitter. Drop him a line.
The trouble with opinions is that everyone has their own; you can always find one to suit any given prejudice. “Test-driven development reduces defect count”, says one expert; “test-driven development will wreck your architecture”, says the next.
Knowledge cannot be disseminated merely by everyone having a blog of their own. Blogs are great for voicing opinions - are they ever - and for having debates, but it’s unhealthy for debate to go on forever. We look to scientists for settling them.
One debate (if it can be called that) which has gone on for too long without a satisfactory resolution concerns programmer productivity and the often quoted “observation” or “fact” that the best programmers are 10 times better than the worst. I will come back to the origins of this observation, but it isn’t quite the topic of this article.
This article is about why some “facts” refuse to die, and about how to avoid being fooled by opinion disguised as scientific “fact”. We start, therefore, with some observations on science and facts.
The messy workings of scientific discourse
Bruno Latour is one of the keenest observers I know of the work that scientists really do, and one of the most punctilious in clearing away the myths and misconceptions about how science is in fact done. I have found good use in some of the tools he created to assess the status of an ongoing debate about a matter that falls within the purview of science, one that hasn’t been settled - what he calls a controversy.
(I stumbled across Latour when someone recommended Aramis, a book which thoroughly changed the way I saw and thought about software projects, even though its subject is public transportation. I have been recommending it ever since to colleagues and friends involved in software in any capacity; it ranks near the top of my list of must-read books for the profession. It’s remarkable not just for Latour’s determined and meticulous manner of observation and of getting to the bottom of things, it also reads like a detective story.)
Latour draws attention in particular to the role of modality in scientific discourse. The concept has complicated ramifications but is really simple at its core, as we’ll see by walking through an example. Start with a statement of fact, such as “water boils at 100 degrees celsius”. A modality is a way to alter the meaning of this statement, not by modifying but by extending it: “if I remember right, water boils at 100 degrees celsius” expresses uncertainty, whereas “everyone knows that water boils at 100 degrees celsius” implies authority. “Scientists know that water boils at 100 degrees celsius” lends a somewhat different authority to the same statement, implying that knowledge of it may be restricted to a select few.
In the practice of science, a publication takes on the role of an extended modality. A researcher may wish to state a conclusion: “water boils at 100 degrees celsius”. Convention dictates that he should initially add various hedges to his conclusion: “subject to the threats to validity mentioned above, given our results it seems legitimate to claim that the boiling point of H2O under the experimental conditions lies, for a 95% confidence interval, within 0.01 of a 100 degrees celsius”. The rest of the publication (or “paper”) amplifies these precautions.
A lone experiment or study rarely being sufficient to establish a scientific fact, further “papers” are expected to build on an initial work, whether by the original author or by other researchers. One prerequisite is that the initial work be interesting; that often serves as a first filter, and probably a fair fraction of all scientific work is never cited by other researchers. Thus, citations play a crucial role in the acquisition by some statement of the status of a “scientific fact”.
Now you can think of a citation as being itself a modality, one that can express a degree of confidence: “Preliminary work by Jones (2001) suggests that the boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. We present a replication with slightly different equipment leading to conclusions which confirm the earlier result”. The accumulation of citations of a given paper is often a measure of its importance, and if the statement is eventually confirmed the pattern of citations will also serve to establish priority.
What Latour has highlighted is the pattern of progressive erosion, and eventual disappearance, of modalities as a statement becomes established as a fact in the sciences. For instance, the next step might read as follows: “Numerous studies (Jones 2001, Smith 2002, Jones 2003, Bogdanoff 2010) have shown that the boiling point of water is around 100 degrees celsius, with minor variation; we show how this value depends on atmospheric pressure”. Further still, one might read “it has been established that pure water boils at 100 degrees celsius; we investigate the effect of adjunction of various concentrations of salt in water”.
At the endpoint of this process of acceptance of a fact, it becomes stripped of all modalities (“waters boils at 100 degrees celsius”), but even more importantly it becomes operant in producing further knowledge, or technical effects instrumental in the production of knowledge: “to ensure a temperature of 100 degrees in our experiment we bring water to a boil”. (For a more realistic example of this transformation happening to actual scientific facts, see Latour and Woolgar’s Laboratory Life.)
Obviously, what makes this scheme of citations a process properly called scientific is its empirical and conversational character; the erosion of modalities is not inexorable, a widely cited preliminary study may well be overturned by later work.
Another possibility is that the initial statement, the claimed “fact”, never quite rids itself of all modalities. It remains spoiled by hedges and suspicions, and if no one can muster enough interest to follow it up in further publications, if may simply be forgotten. In the best case, that is - for in the worst case it may also persist in the collective discourse as folklore, myth or misconception.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
So what is known about programmer productivity?
We can now circle back to this widely circulated “fact” of the software profession, according to which “programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20) between the best and worst individuals”. This is a remarkable statement, not least because of its implications: for instance, programmer compensation does not vary accordingly.
Another arresting fact is the age of this statement. Interestingly enough, what seems t be the first study to mention this wide spread in productivity dates back to 1968 (not entirely coincidentally the year when Software Engineering) was born. It presents as a “true” scientific study (as opposed to an opinion piece or an essay), aiming initially to compare, under two experimental conditions, the performance of programmers facing… a debugging task. Time required for the programming part of the task are recorded during the study but aren’t its main focus. The study finds a statistically significant difference between the two modes considered, “online” and “offline”, with a slight effect on performance in favor of the first. The authors also note as a “surprising” observation the large magnitude of the disparity in scores obtained by the various subjects of the study, on several measures of performance.
The study rapidly came under fairly intense critical scrutiny, and we might expect that further studies attempted to confirm or reject the initial observations; leading, after over forty years of scientific activity, to a pattern conforming to Latour’s observations as this became established as fact: erosion of the modalities, with attendant reduction into a bare “scientific fact”.
That turns out not to be the case. Surprising as it may seem, 40 years after the initial results, the statement still comes accompanied with its modalities. Nearly every time I’ve had occasion to come across this statement, it was under the form ”numerous studies have shown that programmer productivity varies by a factor of 10 (or 5, or 20)” or some variation.
Not only has this statement not been stripped of modalities; more damningly this “fact” has yet to yield instrumentally useful advice or applicable theoretical knowledge about programmer productivity. There is no established manner of exploiting this remarkable “discovery”, for instance through hiring criteria which would afford screening out “1x” programmers and giving preference to “2x to 10x” programmers. What we find in abundance is essays citing this “observation” in support of whatever opinion the author favors: “numerous studies show this, therefore you should heed my advice”.
How to cheat with citations
One of the better-researched pieces on this topic is Steve McConnell’s “The Origin of 10x”. This essay was published in 2008 to explain the title of McConnell’s blog “10x programming”. McConnell acknowledges that the 1968 study came under harsh criticism but claims that its results have been confirmed:
"..the general finding…has been confirmed by many other studies of professional programmers (Curtis 1981, Milss 1983, DeMarco and Lister 1985, Curtis&al.1986, Card 1987, Boehm and Papaccio 1988, Valett and McGarry 1989, Boehm&al.2000).."
What could be more scientific-sounding than this litany of citations? However, when we take a closer look we find that this “confirmation” is not as strong as it looks.
• the 1981 Curtis study included 60 programmers, which once again were dealing with a debugging rather than a programming task
• the 1986 Curtis article does not report on an empirical study, but is an essay calling for better integration of cognitive sciences within software engineering (with which I agree wholeheartedly, but which offers no support for the “10x” claim)
• the 1983 Mills citation refers to a book collecting various essays on the topic of programmer productivity, mostly experience reports and opinion pieces; none of which appears to report on a replication of the original study
• the 1985 DeMarco and Lister reference is similarly a book collecting essays; it is in fact the famous “Peopleware”, a landmark pamphlet denouncing a certain style of management by pressure which is unfortunately still in vogue today; the only “studies” reported on therein are the programming contests organized by the authors, which took place under loosely controlled conditions (participants were to tackle the exercises at their workplace and concurrently with their work as professional programmers), making the results hardly dependable
• the 1987 Card reference isn’t an academic publication but an executive report by a private research institution, wherein a few tables of figures appear, none of which seem to directly bear on the “10x” claim
• the 1988 Boehm and Pappacio reference is a review of other publications on the topic of programmer productivity, and it cites only one which directly reiterates the “10x” claim; and that is… wait for it… the 1968 Sackman study!
• I have not been able to personally obtain and check out the 2000 Boehm reference, but it appears to be a book about COCOMO rather than an article reporting on an empirical study
• Only one in this long list of references seems to be related, albeit indirectly, to a study attempting to replicate the original finding; that is the 1989 Valett article, which reports on a 1982 study measuring productivity in terms of lines of code (something now frowned upon for good reason), and shows 1-to-8 ratios on “small” projects and 1-to-20 ratios on “large” projects, with the threshold at 20KLOC. What we have here is a citation of a citation, and thus almost no information about the 1982 study’s methodology can be found in the 1989 article.
What is happening here is not pretty. I’m not accusing McConnell here of being a bad person. I am claiming that for whatever reasons he is here dressing up, in the trappings of scientific discourse, what is in fact an unsupported assertion meshing well with his favored opinion. McConnell is abusing the mechanism of scientific citation to lend authority to a claim which derives it only from a couple studies which can be at best described as “exploratory” (and at worst, maybe, as “discredited”).
I have not done the equivalent critical work for the citations McConnell offers in support of the equivalent claims on between-team productivity variations. But “work” is the right term here: tracking down articles and sometimes entire books, some of them out of print, just to scan them for conclusions which turn out not to appear anywhere. It is a sad fact that critical examination of ill-supported assertions takes a lot more time than making the assertions in the first place; this asymmetry accounts for a lot of what is wrong with public perceptions of science in general, and possibly for the current state of our profession. At any rate the list above, I believe, is sufficient to make my point.
Why is folklore so persistent?
The verdict seems clear: this supposed “scientific” observation on individual programmer productivity variations only deserves the name of folklore, unsubstantiated bits of opinion which are transmitted and kept alive for reasons more cultural than rational. I am most emphatically not claiming that there aren’t variations in productivity of that order: I am only saying that this “fact” has not been demonstrated, and that as of today we do not know what to make of it even if it were true.
One reason for this unreasonable persistence is that we do not have a firm conceptual handle on the notion of “productivity”, at least as it relates to what programmers do nowadays. Way back when, that used to be measured in terms of “lines of code per unit of time”. The advent of “high level languages” caused researchers to question this measure of productivity, since you could now achieve the same functionality in fewer lines. There was an attempt to substitute Function Points instead, but they turned out to be complicated to use and they remained largely ignored by the profession. However, the more relevant question to ask is what assumptions underlie the very notion of “productivity” in our field.
For instance, should we assume (as seems reasonable in industrial contexts) that productivity could only be zero or greater? This is to ignore the (folkloric, but remarkable and provocative) notion of “net negative productivity programmers”:, team members who not only do not contribute to a team’s productivity but in fact destroy others’.
Do we clearly distinguish between effort and outcomes in our notions of productivity? A programmer may seem improductive because she doesn’t appear to push out a lot of code, but that may be because she’s busy thinking about a novel idea which results in the team not having to code some complex features, yielding great overall value.
An important concern in the social and cognitive sciences is construct validity. This aims to answer the question: does what we’re measuring actually exist, and is it in fact reflected in the measurements we have chosen to make it quantifiable? (Take a look for instance at the Wikipedia article on Psychometrics.) Such questions seem seldom asked in our field.
Leaving folklore behind
The 10x “observation” is referenced several times in McConnell’s excellent 1996 book “Rapid Development”, where the list of citations which accompanies it is nearly the same as in the above quote, with the addition of the “Boehm et al 2000” reference which is obviously posterior, and the “Boehm and Papaccio 1988” reference which does not show up in the book’s bibliography. Also, the 2008 blog post has been reprinted with few changes as one chapter in the otherwise excellent 2010 book “Making Software”, a compliation of essays on empirical findings in software engineering.
I find it regrettable that the book’s editors chose to include this particular essay. “Making Software” is one of the encouraging hints I have seen recently of what I hope is a growth trend for the years ahead: better and closer collaboration between the software engineering research community and a much broader base of software professionals than has been the case so far. The book ranges over varied topics from Agile to debugging to learning programming, but it is especially interesting for the first few chapters which make a strong case, aimed at software professionals, for learning the basics of scientific inquiry.
Institut Agile
Institut Agile is a France-based independent organization funded by a consortium of businesses with a strategic interest in Agile approaches.
The goal of the Institute to raise the bar for business excellence in the software industry through Agile approaches.
Its missions include growing the Agile business ecosystem, creating stronger links between the business and research communities interested in Agile approaches, and providing stronger empirical evidence on the benefits of Agile practices (or lack thereof). Sphere: Related Content
Coffee shop WiFi for dummies
Scott Granneman, 2006-02-09
The average user has no idea of the risks associated with public WiFi hotspots. Here are some very simple tips for them to keep their network access secure.
My friend Philip is an expert at community activism and is a cracker-jack financial advisor as well. One thing he is not, however - and he would be the first to admit this - is a knowledgeable computer user. Oh sure, he can send emails and cruise the Web, and use Word and Excel, but he doesn't really grok his computer. And one thing he especially doesn't know much about is security. He knows there are bad guys out there, and he knows that he should try to practice safe computing, but he just doesn't know how.
Recently we were talking during a financial meeting, and he remarked that he always felt nervous using his laptop at one of the many coffee shops here in St. Louis that provide free wireless access. After I assured him that he should in fact be very nervous, I reassured him by saying that there were things he could do to protect himself in the local Panera or Kayak's. When he asked me what those things were, I told him I would write a SecurityFocus column that would answer that question. This column, therefore, is written for Philip and all the other average computer users out there who use WiFi without understanding its inherent risks.
Most people know by now that they should connect to a wireless connection using one of two encryption technologies: either WEP or WPA. Sure, WPA is a heck of a lot better than WEP, but even WEP is better than nothing. However, that's what most coffee shops use: nothing. Free wireless is an add-on, so they want to keep costs low. WEP or WPA would add additional complications and expense, and additional customer support where none would be available, so most coffee shops just run their wireless wide open.
That means that unless you're specifically given a WEP or WPA key to enter, assume that everything your computer is sending or receiving is sent in the clear. Meaning, anyone who knows what they're doing can see many of your passwords once you type them in. To use that wireless connection securely, then, you need to worry about the programs you're using to access the Net. By and large, people do three things online: use the web, send and receive email, and IM friends and associates. Sure, lots of programs use the Net in some way, but the three I just mentioned are the biggies, so let's focus on those.
When it comes to web browsers at the coffee shop, there's one big piece of advice you should follow: don't use Internet Explorer! Yes, Microsoft has released a preview of the beta of the forthcoming IE7, and it does look better in a lot of ways (although holes were found almost immediately upon its release, but hey, it's a preview of a beta), but that final release is still a long ways off. For now, use IE 6 only if you are absolutely forced to.
So what should you use instead? Firefox, Opera - or Safari if you're a Mac user. All three are free, powerful yet easy to use, and all are safer than Internet Explorer. I'm partial to Firefox (heck, I wrote a book about it), but you should be interested in Firefox for its excellent security record (especially when compared to Internet Explorer's truly abysmal security problems) and the extensions that help you secure the browser and your Internet usage even more.
Once you have your browser open, use your head. Avoid web sites in which you're viewing or entering user names, passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other sensitive data ... unless those sites use https instead of http. If you have to log in somewhere, but the web page's URL begins with https, then it's using a technology called SSL, and it's OK; if the URL begins with http, be careful. If you're just reading the news or sports scores, don't worry about it, but if you're working with sensitive data, do not view or enter information on those types of pages.
If your company provides you with VPN access on your laptop, use it. That's a sure fire way to ensure that everything you send and receive is encrypted, and it makes your surfing much safer.
You can check your email in two ways: using a web browser, or using an email program running on your computer (like Outlook, Outlook Express, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora, and others). Let's talk about each of those in turn.
Email via Web Browser
There are companies that provide email primarily through web browsers, like Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo! Mail, but most ISPs who allow people to download their email using programs also provide access to that same email using web browsers. Most every web mail out there provides a secure (https) page for logging in to check your email, but that's it. Your password will be safe, but none of your emails. Reading and writing emails is done using plain ol' http, which means that everything is sent in the clear. Not good.
I like Gmail a lot, but Gmail doesn't use https for reading emails (it does use it for logging in, though). To get around that, I installed the Customize Google extension for Firefox (and it only works in Firefox). Once the extension is installed, go to Tools -> CustomizeGoogle Options. Go to the GMail tab and make sure that "Secure (switch to https)" is checked. Press OK to close the window, and you're done. Now you'll log in to Gmail on an https page, and you'll read and send mail on https pages as well. I like this solution because you don't have to think about it again.
All that said, you can switch to https once you're in Gmail by simply clicking in your address bar, changing the http to https, and then loading the page. Now everything is secure ... as long as you don't close your browser. If you do, you need to manually change to https again, and again. The Customize Google extension does this automatically, so it's a better solution.
Hotmail offers a "secure mode" that uses SSL, but by default you login at an insecure http page, just like you do with Yahoo! - which isn't good. For either service you can click on the tiny "Sign in using enhanced security" or "Submit over SSL" link that most people will never see, but why should anyone have to? C'mon, that should be the default, and http shouldn't even be an option! Worse than that, all other email actions - reading and writing - are strictly http only, with no possibility for https. That's pretty terrible.
If you access mail through a web interface provided by your ISP, you need to look and see if it supports SSL. If you're not sure, call and ask them. If they support it, use it; if not, use something else. Personally, I'm very happy with Gmail. And hey, it's free!
Email via a program
Basically, you're vulnerable during two processes: when you're checking email (using something called POP3 or IMAP), and when you're sending it (using something called SMTP). If those connections aren't protected, then a bad guy can see your actual emails, which may contain sensitive or even just personal information, and he can also view the usernames and passwords you're using to log in to check or send email as well. You want to wrap both those processes in a secure wrapper like SSL (the same technology that protects your credit cards on https web sites) so that someone listening in gets gibberish and nothing else.
For instance, my email is through Pair, and they allow me to check it using SSL to encrypt both my username and password, and any email I download (one of the many reasons I recommend Pair to folks looking for a mail host). That means you need to call the company that manages your email - AOL, SBC, Earthlink, your cable company, etc. - and ask them if they support secure POP3 (or secure IMAP). You can also try a Google search for "[your email company] secure pop3 email". Doing that, I found several different pages of instructions for AOL, for instance.
If your email provider doesn't offer secure POP3 or IMAP, well ... that's pretty close to unacceptable nowadays. I'd seriously consider moving to someone else. Or only use a web mail service like Gmail that does work with SSL when you're at the coffee shop.
When it comes to sending email from a coffee shop, things get a bit more complicated. Many coffee shops, due to the way they've set up their networks, only allow you to send email using their ISP. Some of those ISPs might offer secure SMTP, but it's a sure bet that the guys and gals behind the counter making your coffee won't have the slightest clue what settings you should use. So what to do?
If you're really lucky, your ISP allows for secure SMTP and you can use that from the coffee shop. This probably won't work, though. In my case, Gmail to the rescue again. Yes, Gmail is a web-based email service, but you can configure your email program to send email securely using Gmail, which is fantastic. The Gmail Help Center has several pages devoted to showing you how to set up a wide variety of email programs so that they can send email securely using Gmail. In my experience, I have yet to be stymied when using this service. Give it a try.
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) is the most popular IM program in the world. Unfortunately, all messages are sent completely wide open, so that anyone can read them. Not good at all. But MSN Messenger is the same. And so is Yahoo! Messenger.
You could use Skype, which encrypts all IM messages, although that program - and its parent company - has its share of unanswered security questions. Not to mention, Skype is a totally closed system, so anyone you wish to IM with must also use Skype. The Gizmo Project is another contender (like Skype, it features its ability to make phone calls over the Net, but it will also IM), and the company claims that it offers secure IM, but its answers to questions about security are completely unacceptable, bordering on ignorant.
If you want to encrypt your IM conversations, there are many solutions out there. Most cost money, though some are free. Search Google for "im encryption" and you'll find plenty of things to check out.
A solution that I can recommend, however, is to use free IM software that supports encryption such as GAIM, an open source software project. GAIM runs on all the major operating systems, it's free, it's powerful, and, even better, it supports all the big IM networks. This means that you can use GAIM to talk to AIM users, MSN Messenger users, Yahoo! Messenger users, Google Talk users, and even more. Best of all, it supports protected messaging through the Gaim-Encryption plugin. Install that, and you can chat with other encrypted IM users, through whatever network you like, and the conversation will be secure. Other uses don't need to be using GAIM either, just a similar IM application that supports the same encryption. In a similar vein, Off-the-Record Messaging is another plugin for GAIM that will also encrypt IMs, no matter what network you're using. Either way, you're safe.
It's possible to use your laptop safely in a coffee shop, but you have to take a bit of responsibility for that security. You'll need to use your common sense, change a few habits, and perhaps install and use some new software. I know that this is a lot for most people, but aren't your private data and conversations worth it? And if you have any questions, you know who you can call. If you're a security professional reading this column, why not show it to the Philips in your life and offer your help; if you're a Philip, try the advice in this column, and feel free to ask the computer person in your life for aid. I know they'll be glad to help.
See you at the coffee house!
Scott Granneman teaches at Washington University in St. Louis, consults for WebSanity, and writes for SecurityFocus and Linux Magazine. His latest book, Linux Phrasebook, is in stores now. Sphere: Related Content
The average user has no idea of the risks associated with public WiFi hotspots. Here are some very simple tips for them to keep their network access secure.
My friend Philip is an expert at community activism and is a cracker-jack financial advisor as well. One thing he is not, however - and he would be the first to admit this - is a knowledgeable computer user. Oh sure, he can send emails and cruise the Web, and use Word and Excel, but he doesn't really grok his computer. And one thing he especially doesn't know much about is security. He knows there are bad guys out there, and he knows that he should try to practice safe computing, but he just doesn't know how.
Recently we were talking during a financial meeting, and he remarked that he always felt nervous using his laptop at one of the many coffee shops here in St. Louis that provide free wireless access. After I assured him that he should in fact be very nervous, I reassured him by saying that there were things he could do to protect himself in the local Panera or Kayak's. When he asked me what those things were, I told him I would write a SecurityFocus column that would answer that question. This column, therefore, is written for Philip and all the other average computer users out there who use WiFi without understanding its inherent risks.
Most people know by now that they should connect to a wireless connection using one of two encryption technologies: either WEP or WPA. Sure, WPA is a heck of a lot better than WEP, but even WEP is better than nothing. However, that's what most coffee shops use: nothing. Free wireless is an add-on, so they want to keep costs low. WEP or WPA would add additional complications and expense, and additional customer support where none would be available, so most coffee shops just run their wireless wide open.
That means that unless you're specifically given a WEP or WPA key to enter, assume that everything your computer is sending or receiving is sent in the clear. Meaning, anyone who knows what they're doing can see many of your passwords once you type them in. To use that wireless connection securely, then, you need to worry about the programs you're using to access the Net. By and large, people do three things online: use the web, send and receive email, and IM friends and associates. Sure, lots of programs use the Net in some way, but the three I just mentioned are the biggies, so let's focus on those.
When it comes to web browsers at the coffee shop, there's one big piece of advice you should follow: don't use Internet Explorer! Yes, Microsoft has released a preview of the beta of the forthcoming IE7, and it does look better in a lot of ways (although holes were found almost immediately upon its release, but hey, it's a preview of a beta), but that final release is still a long ways off. For now, use IE 6 only if you are absolutely forced to.
So what should you use instead? Firefox, Opera - or Safari if you're a Mac user. All three are free, powerful yet easy to use, and all are safer than Internet Explorer. I'm partial to Firefox (heck, I wrote a book about it), but you should be interested in Firefox for its excellent security record (especially when compared to Internet Explorer's truly abysmal security problems) and the extensions that help you secure the browser and your Internet usage even more.
Once you have your browser open, use your head. Avoid web sites in which you're viewing or entering user names, passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other sensitive data ... unless those sites use https instead of http. If you have to log in somewhere, but the web page's URL begins with https, then it's using a technology called SSL, and it's OK; if the URL begins with http, be careful. If you're just reading the news or sports scores, don't worry about it, but if you're working with sensitive data, do not view or enter information on those types of pages.
If your company provides you with VPN access on your laptop, use it. That's a sure fire way to ensure that everything you send and receive is encrypted, and it makes your surfing much safer.
You can check your email in two ways: using a web browser, or using an email program running on your computer (like Outlook, Outlook Express, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora, and others). Let's talk about each of those in turn.
Email via Web Browser
There are companies that provide email primarily through web browsers, like Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo! Mail, but most ISPs who allow people to download their email using programs also provide access to that same email using web browsers. Most every web mail out there provides a secure (https) page for logging in to check your email, but that's it. Your password will be safe, but none of your emails. Reading and writing emails is done using plain ol' http, which means that everything is sent in the clear. Not good.
I like Gmail a lot, but Gmail doesn't use https for reading emails (it does use it for logging in, though). To get around that, I installed the Customize Google extension for Firefox (and it only works in Firefox). Once the extension is installed, go to Tools -> CustomizeGoogle Options. Go to the GMail tab and make sure that "Secure (switch to https)" is checked. Press OK to close the window, and you're done. Now you'll log in to Gmail on an https page, and you'll read and send mail on https pages as well. I like this solution because you don't have to think about it again.
All that said, you can switch to https once you're in Gmail by simply clicking in your address bar, changing the http to https, and then loading the page. Now everything is secure ... as long as you don't close your browser. If you do, you need to manually change to https again, and again. The Customize Google extension does this automatically, so it's a better solution.
Hotmail offers a "secure mode" that uses SSL, but by default you login at an insecure http page, just like you do with Yahoo! - which isn't good. For either service you can click on the tiny "Sign in using enhanced security" or "Submit over SSL" link that most people will never see, but why should anyone have to? C'mon, that should be the default, and http shouldn't even be an option! Worse than that, all other email actions - reading and writing - are strictly http only, with no possibility for https. That's pretty terrible.
If you access mail through a web interface provided by your ISP, you need to look and see if it supports SSL. If you're not sure, call and ask them. If they support it, use it; if not, use something else. Personally, I'm very happy with Gmail. And hey, it's free!
Email via a program
Basically, you're vulnerable during two processes: when you're checking email (using something called POP3 or IMAP), and when you're sending it (using something called SMTP). If those connections aren't protected, then a bad guy can see your actual emails, which may contain sensitive or even just personal information, and he can also view the usernames and passwords you're using to log in to check or send email as well. You want to wrap both those processes in a secure wrapper like SSL (the same technology that protects your credit cards on https web sites) so that someone listening in gets gibberish and nothing else.
For instance, my email is through Pair, and they allow me to check it using SSL to encrypt both my username and password, and any email I download (one of the many reasons I recommend Pair to folks looking for a mail host). That means you need to call the company that manages your email - AOL, SBC, Earthlink, your cable company, etc. - and ask them if they support secure POP3 (or secure IMAP). You can also try a Google search for "[your email company] secure pop3 email". Doing that, I found several different pages of instructions for AOL, for instance.
If your email provider doesn't offer secure POP3 or IMAP, well ... that's pretty close to unacceptable nowadays. I'd seriously consider moving to someone else. Or only use a web mail service like Gmail that does work with SSL when you're at the coffee shop.
When it comes to sending email from a coffee shop, things get a bit more complicated. Many coffee shops, due to the way they've set up their networks, only allow you to send email using their ISP. Some of those ISPs might offer secure SMTP, but it's a sure bet that the guys and gals behind the counter making your coffee won't have the slightest clue what settings you should use. So what to do?
If you're really lucky, your ISP allows for secure SMTP and you can use that from the coffee shop. This probably won't work, though. In my case, Gmail to the rescue again. Yes, Gmail is a web-based email service, but you can configure your email program to send email securely using Gmail, which is fantastic. The Gmail Help Center has several pages devoted to showing you how to set up a wide variety of email programs so that they can send email securely using Gmail. In my experience, I have yet to be stymied when using this service. Give it a try.
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) is the most popular IM program in the world. Unfortunately, all messages are sent completely wide open, so that anyone can read them. Not good at all. But MSN Messenger is the same. And so is Yahoo! Messenger.
You could use Skype, which encrypts all IM messages, although that program - and its parent company - has its share of unanswered security questions. Not to mention, Skype is a totally closed system, so anyone you wish to IM with must also use Skype. The Gizmo Project is another contender (like Skype, it features its ability to make phone calls over the Net, but it will also IM), and the company claims that it offers secure IM, but its answers to questions about security are completely unacceptable, bordering on ignorant.
If you want to encrypt your IM conversations, there are many solutions out there. Most cost money, though some are free. Search Google for "im encryption" and you'll find plenty of things to check out.
A solution that I can recommend, however, is to use free IM software that supports encryption such as GAIM, an open source software project. GAIM runs on all the major operating systems, it's free, it's powerful, and, even better, it supports all the big IM networks. This means that you can use GAIM to talk to AIM users, MSN Messenger users, Yahoo! Messenger users, Google Talk users, and even more. Best of all, it supports protected messaging through the Gaim-Encryption plugin. Install that, and you can chat with other encrypted IM users, through whatever network you like, and the conversation will be secure. Other uses don't need to be using GAIM either, just a similar IM application that supports the same encryption. In a similar vein, Off-the-Record Messaging is another plugin for GAIM that will also encrypt IMs, no matter what network you're using. Either way, you're safe.
It's possible to use your laptop safely in a coffee shop, but you have to take a bit of responsibility for that security. You'll need to use your common sense, change a few habits, and perhaps install and use some new software. I know that this is a lot for most people, but aren't your private data and conversations worth it? And if you have any questions, you know who you can call. If you're a security professional reading this column, why not show it to the Philips in your life and offer your help; if you're a Philip, try the advice in this column, and feel free to ask the computer person in your life for aid. I know they'll be glad to help.
See you at the coffee house!
Scott Granneman teaches at Washington University in St. Louis, consults for WebSanity, and writes for SecurityFocus and Linux Magazine. His latest book, Linux Phrasebook, is in stores now. Sphere: Related Content
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