Computerized Tomography Group & IAL
Other Tomography links: http://www.itam.nsc.ru/lab17/pub/others.htm
IAL: http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/IAL/
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statistics software
Software by P.B. Stark and collaborators
- SticiGui interactive statistics textbook
- Java applets for statistics
- bvls.f is a FORTRAN subroutine to solve least-squares problems with bounds on the variables. It calls qr.f. See Stark, P.B., and R.L. Parker, 1995. Bounded-variable least-squares: an algorithm and applications, Comp. Stat., 10, 129-141.
- qr.f is a FORTRAN subroutine to compute QR decompositions in a stable way; it is called by bvls.f
- sbl1.f is a FORTRAN program to find bounds on linear functionals of an n-vector subject to an l1 constraint on the misfit to a set of linear relations, and linear inequality constraints on the variables. It calls bvls.f and qr.f.
- sbvq.f is a FORTRAN program to find bounds on linear functionals of an n-vector subject to a quadratic constraint on the misfit to a set of linear relations, and linear inequality constraints on the variables. It calls bvls.f and qr.f.
- sci is an S+ function (to be loaded into S+ using "get") to compute nonequivariant simultaneous confidence intervals for the components of the mean of a multivariate normal, in a way that the intervals are less likely to contain zero than traditional methods. See Benjamini, Y. and Stark, P.B., 1996. Nonequivariant Confidence Intervals Less Likely to Contain Zero, J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 91, 329-337.
- Multitaper.zip is a compressed directory of MATLAB and C routines by I.K. Fodor to compute optimal tapers to estimate the power spectra of time series with gaps. See Fodor, I. and P.B. Stark, 2000. Multitaper Spectrum Estimation for Time Series with Gaps, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 48, 3472-3483.
- LFA_Search is a collection of routines by Chad Schafer to find least-favorable alternatives and least-favorable prior probability distributions. The routines are designed to find minimax expected size confidence sets.
Last modified 1 February 2008. P.B. Stark. statistics.berkeley.edu/~stark/Code/index.htm
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Inverse Problems - the Real World's reaction to our inquiries
Apps to Image Estimation: http://sepwww.stanford.edu/sep/prof/gee/toc_html/
What is an Inverse Problem?
To make these inferences quantitative one must answer three fundamental questions. How accurately are the data known? I.e., what does it mean to ``fit'' the data. How accurately can we model the response of the system? In other words, have we included all the physics in the model that contribute significantly to the data. Finally, what is known about the system independent of the data? This is called a priori information and is essential since for any sufficiently fine parameterization of a system there will be unreasonable models that fit the data too. Prior information is the means by which we reject or down-weight unreasonable models.
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of inverse problems. We will use a broad range of examples to illustrate the basic ideas of how one makes inferences about physical systems from real data. Specific applications may be selected from the students' areas of interest. The mathematical tools that we will use will be primarily those of probability and statistics and linear algebra.*************************************************************************************
SCILAB - http://mesoscopic.mines.edu/~jscales/gp605/scilab/ Sphere: Related Content
queer links
or how the "good fellows" help the Community: http://cc2e.com/Default.aspx Sphere: Related Content
Weekend reading: Where are we in the universe? by Clive Maxfield
Before we start, you might find the Convert software utility I've provided at the end of this blog to be useful in answering some of the following questions (I keep this little rapscallion on my desktop, because I find it invaluable for a lot of things).
OK, here's the deal. Once a week I meet up with my Father-in-Law and a couple of other guys for lunch. As part of this we each take it in turns to provide some educational task for the others to ponder over the following week. The idea is that this information should be easy to research and locate using the resources of the Internet.
One of my recent offerings was based on the concept of "Where are we in the universe?" The idea was to provide an understandable sense of scale for various things like the size of the Earth versus the Sun and so forth. Anyway, I just thought that this might be of interest to a wider audience, so I decided to pen this blog. Maybe you would like research the answers to these questions for yourself and let me know how you get on (I'll provide a "worked solution" version sometime in the not-so-distant-future)
Let's start with "The Nine Planets Tour of the Solar System" (check out the website at www.nineplanets.org )
Question #1 What is the diameter of the Sun in both kilometers and miles (this is where the Convert tool will come in handy)?
Question #2 What is the diameter of the Earth in kilometers and miles?
Question #3 What's the average Earth-to-Sun orbit/distance in kilometers and miles?
Question #4 With regard to the following illustration, if we were to make a model of the Sun as a globe
Now, use This Paper to answer questions (5) and (6):
Question #5 When was Pluto discovered?
Question #6 How many planets are there in our solar system?
A useful place to go to answer questions (7) and (8) would be the www.nineplanets.org website:
Question #7 What's the average Earth-to-Pluto orbit/distance in kilometers and miles?
be from our model of the Sun in meters, feet, and American football fields (including the end zones)?
Our solar system is one of a huge collection of solar systems forming a group known as a Galaxy. This galaxy is called the Milky Way. From the side the Milky Way looks like two dinner plates that have been stuck together. From the top it looks like a spiral. The Milky Way page on the Wikipedia website may prove useful when it comes to answering questions (9) through (12) would be
Question #9 Approximately how many stars are thought to be in the Milky Way?
Question #10 What is a light year?
Question #11 What is the diameter of the Milky Way in light years?
Question #12 What is the thickness of the Milky Way at its center in light years?
Question #14 Generally speaking, where is our solar system located in the Milky Way? (You might want to use This Website to address this question.)
Question #15 Do you think our Sun is one of the larger suns or the smaller ones in our galaxy? Take a look at this website (www.rense.com/general72/size.htm) to get a feel for the relative size of the planets in our solar system and the relative size of our Sun to some other suns like Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus, Rigel, Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, and Antares.
Question #15 Last but not least, approximately how much bigger (in terms of its diameter) is Antares as compared to our Sun? (You might want to use This Article to answer this question.
The Convert Utility: As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, there's a program called Convert that may prove useful for answering some of the questions above (I use it all of the time). This tool was created by a guy called Josh Madison who claims to have been: "Wasting time online since 1993!".
All you have to do is download this convert.zip file to your system, uncompress it, and run the ensuing convert.exe executable. The result will look something like the following:
You can use this tool to convert all sorts of things. If you select the Distance. tab, for example, and then select your input units (feet in this case) and your output units (inches in this case) and then enter a value in the Input field you'll see the converted result appear in the Output field.
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