
Java SE 7 Documentation

Java SE 7 is the next major release of the Java SE platform and is currently available as an early access release. Java SE 7 documentation will be regularly updated as and when new features are added to the Java SE 7 platform. You can also expect to see changes in content for existing features.

The two principal products in the Java SE platform are: Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE).

The JDK is a superset of the JRE, and contains everything that is in the JRE, plus tools such as the compilers and debuggers necessary for developing applets and applications. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language.

The following conceptual diagram illustrates all the component technologies in Java SE platform and how they fit together.
Description of Java SE Conceptual Diagram

Java SE 7 API DocumentationSee Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification for API documentation for intermediate snapshot releases.

What's New in Java SE Documentation
Java SE documentation is regularly updated to provide developers with in-depth information about new features in the Java platform. Some recent updates include:

NIO 2.0
The java.nio.file package and its related package, java.nio.file.attribute, provide comprehensive support for file I/O and for accessing the file system.
See File I/O (featuring NIO 2.0) in the Java Tutorials.

Sockets Direct Protocol
Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) is a wire protocol developed to support stream connections over InfiniBand fabric. For more information, see Understanding the Sockets Direct Protocol a trail in the Java Tutorials.

Java Rich Internet Applications Development and Deployment
Rich Internet Applications can be developed and deployed as applets or Java Web Start applications. The next generation Java Plug-in introduced in Java SE 6 update 10 provides powerful capabilities to applets.

Language Enhancements
Java SE 7 intoduces the following language enhancements:
Binary Literals
Underscores in Numeric Literals
Strings in switch Statements
Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
Improved Compiler Warnings and Errors When Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters with Varargs Methods
The try-with-resources Statement
Catching Multiple Exception Types and Rethrowing Exceptions with Improved Type Checking
Java Virtual Machine Support for Non-Java Languages

JDBC 4.1
JDBC 4.1 introduces the following features:
• The ability to use a try-with-resources statement to automatically close resources of type Connection, ResultSet, and Statement
RowSet 1.1: The introduction of the RowSetFactory interface and the RowSetProvider class, which enable you to create all types of row sets supported by your JDBC driver.

Technical Articles
View these and other technical articles to stay current with features and improvements in the Java platform.
Java Applets, ASP.net - Can You Play Together?
This article describes how to develop and deploy Java Rich Internet Applications that work seamlessly with ASP.net technology.
Mixing Heavyweight and Lightweight Components
This article describes how heavyweight and lightweight components can play well together, used in the same container, in your Swing application.
Monetize Your Desktop Applications
View this screencast to learn how to convert a desktop application into a Java Web Start application.

Watch this page for more Java SE 7 features and updates! Sphere: Related Content

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